jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Microsoft Finds Source of Heavy Data Usage in Windows Phone 7 - PC World

Remember that mysterious Windows Phone 7 phantom data problem we reported on, which several of you seemed very skeptical about? Well, Microsoft has confirmed that it was indeed happening due to an apparent issue with a third party application. It won't name names, but here's what they had to say to Seattlepi.com's Microsoft Blog:

We have determined that a third-party solution commonly accessed from Windows Phones is configured in a manner that potentially causes larger than expected data downloads. We are in contact with the third party to assist them in making the necessary fixes, and are also pursuing potential workarounds to address the configuration issue in case those are needed.

The company said only a "low single digit" percentage of WP7 users were affected, and that it believed the third-party app was the source of most of the complaints. It is still looking over reports to ensure that no other issues may be causing the bandwidth issues.

At this time, Microsoft is declining to identify the third-party responsible. Probably not a maj-or issue if the problem is affecting so little of the user base as the company claims, but still no solace to those that might be affected.

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