PRESIDENT Obama got soaked in the rain at the G20 summit – but David Cameron was left high and dry as his euro rescue plan was snubbed.

The PM was humiliated yesterday after failing to persuade non-European G20 leaders, led by Mr Obama, to back a new proposal to save the single currency.

His plan for the International Monetary Fund to effectively print more money for ailing European countries was rejected.

The crisis remained unresolved, although debt-ridden Greece's PM was last night given the go-ahead to form a caretaker government which would accept a bailout patched together last week.

Mr Cameron put his proposal forward after plans to extend the bailout fund appeared to be in disarray – but German leader Angela Merkel also rejected him.

The shambles prompted Labour leader Ed Miliband to later accuse the PM of failing to show "the leadership Britain needs".

And European leaders were left in no doubt what the rest of the world thought of the attempt to add to the fund to prevent debts spreading from Greece – as a series of world leaders expected to contribute tore into their handling of the crisis.

Mr Obama – who later smiled in the rain as he and French President Nicolas Sarkozy attended an event honouring the alliance between their countries – is said to be reluctant to use American money when European countries are rich enough to sort out their own problems.

He mocked the EU's "laborious" decision-making process.

And potential cash-rich emerging economies, such as China and Brazil, demanded to see more detail before they made any decision to support a fund to protect Italy and Spain.

China's President Hu Jintao refused to throw money at the fund while there was continued uncertainty about the future of the single currency.

And Australian PM Julia Gillard said: "Europe needs to get its own house in order."

The bailout had been thrown into doubt by the Greek PM George Papandreou's surprise pledge to hold a referendum on the issue, which he later withdrew.

But he narrowly survived a vote of no confidence late last night and said the victory would give him a mandate to create a caretaker government to ensure the debt deal went ahead.

He vowed to push ahead with the terms agreed last month by European leaders – enforcing more cuts on his people in return for a 50% cut on his country's debt – and was due to open power-sharing talks today.

Earlier, Mrs Merkel was furious at the behind-the-scenes bickering and stormed out of the two-day Cannes summit early, admitting the euro bail-out fund had almost no backers.

She was privately blamed by several world leaders for blocking calls for the European Central Bank to make loans to stricken eurozone countries.

The German leader dismissed the proposal, amid fears that the move would lead to inflation across the eurozone – hitting German savings.

The infighting which marred the gathering is a bitter blow for Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy, who had hoped to use the gathering to ease market fears about the eurozone.

And at the final press conference of the gathering, Mr Cameron told a virtually empty room: "I'm not going to pretend all the problems in the eurozone have been fixed – they haven't." And hinting at a double-dip recession, he added: "Every day that the eurozone crisis continues, it's a day that has a chilling effect on the rest of the world's economies.

'The primary responsibility for sorting out the problems in the eurozone lies with eurozone countries themselves.

"Let's be clear – global action cannot be a substitute for concrete action by the eurozone to stand behind their currency by implementing what they have agreed and resolving the uncertainty that remains in Greece and elsewhere."

In an undiplomatic sideswipe, when asked why Mrs Merkel blocked Britain's rescue plans, Mr Cameron said: "You'll have to ask the Germans."

But Mr Miliband responded: "What is absolutely clear is this do-nothing summit should not have been allowed to end without a clear resolution for the crisis in the eurozone"

Labour's Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls last night urged Mr Cameron to push Mrs Merkel to use the European Central Bank to protect the eurozone instead of trying to get other international institutions like the IMF to bail debt-ridden members out.

Mr Cameron also came under fire from France's Mr Sarkozy for refusing to back a Robin Hood Tax on banking transactions.

Furious that the summit ended with just a weak reference to "taxes on the financial sector", Mr Sarkozy said Britain's stance to only support the measure if it was agreed globally was not good enough.