martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Journalists Held Back Candid Comments Between Obama and Sarkozy - New York Times (blog)

Our friends at the Lede blog are reporting on a "hot mic" incident between President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and President Obama in Cannes, France, during the Group of 20 economic summit meeting last week.

Mr. Sarkozy reportedly called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel "a liar," and Mr. Obama reportedly replied: "You are tired of him, but I have to deal with him every day."

The incident is only now in the news, the Lede writes, because journalists who had overheard the conversation held back reporting it at the time. They heard the exchange because they had plugged in their own headphones to the simultaneous translation feed, rather than waiting for permission and an official set of headphones. "They knew they had cheated," one reporter was quoted as saying.

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