CAIRO - A military court on Sunday acquitted an army doctor who had been accused of performing forced "virginity tests'' on women detained by soldiers who broke up a street protest a year ago.

State media reported that the court acquitted the doctor, Ahmed Adel el Mogy, on the relatively narrow basis of contradictions in the testimony heard at the trial. It was unclear if the court reached any conclusions about the occurrence or legitimacy of the tests.

A civilian administrative court concluded in late December that the military had wrongly forced several women to undergo the tests. But its authority did not extend to holding officers accountable, and human rights advocates said that Sunday's verdict showed the flaws in military justice.

Samira Ibrahim, who filed both lawsuits, could not be reached for comment. In an online message, she wrote: "Nobody violated my honor, it's Egypt whose honor was violated. And I will go on till the end to get her rights.'' State media reported that after the military court's ruling, Ibrahim chanted for an end to military rule.

Lawyers have complained that they were prohibited from presenting evidence and witnesses.

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