• The plant has no known side effects and might even replace uncomfortable anaesthetic injections

By Fiona Macrae Science Correspondent


The agony of toothache can leave you willing to go to the ends of the earth in search of a cure.

But you may need to look no further than the depths of the rainforest.

A rare red and yellow plant from the Amazon could offer more effective pain relief than existing drugs and treatments, scientists have claimed.

Achmella oleracea: Could this Amazonian plant, left, be the end to toothache? On the right is the home of the tribe in Peru that uses it for pain relief

The ancient herbal remedy is so potent that it might even replace uncomfortable anaesthetic injections for certain procedures – and provide a natural remedy for teething babies.

Cambridge University anthropologist Dr Francoise Barbira Freedman came across the budded plant more than 30 years ago when living with a secretive Peruvian tribe known for practising shamanism.

During her trip she suffered severe pain in her wisdom teeth. She was given the remedy by the tribe's medicine men and the discomfort 'went away immediately'.

The plant used by the tribal medicine men is set to revolutionise worldwide dental treatment

The plant used by the tribal medicine men is set to revolutionise worldwide dental treatment

Years later, she was asked to provide Cambridge with some examples of rainforest remedies, and added the Acmella oleracea plant to the list.

Describing the inclusion as an 'afterthought', she said: 'It was added to the bottom of the list, but somehow the list got reversed, and it was the first one tested back in the UK. It was immediately successful and we've never looked back.'

Using extracts from the plant, the researchers have developed a gel which blocks the pain receptors found in nerve endings – and could be on the market in only two years' time.

In early trials, it helped relieve pain during removal of teeth that were impacted, or stuck below the gum line.

The gel was also considered more efficient than the standard anaesthetic used when patients with gum disease need pain relief for scaling and polishing. The effects lasted longer, and patients were more likely to attend follow-up appointments.

In informal tests carried out by a Peruvian dentist, the plant extract also helped treat mouth ulcers and ease pain caused by dentures, braces, gum disease and having teeth removed. And to top it off, there are no known side-effects.

Dr Freedman, who plans to share any profits from the sale of the gel with the Keshwa Lamas community in Peru, said: 'This treatment for toothache means we could be looking at the end of some injections in the dentist's surgery.

'We've had really clear results from tests so far, particularly for procedures such as scaling and polishing, and there are many other potential applications.'

These range from soothing the pain of teething in babies to relieving irritable bowel syndrome.

The researcher, who is about to make another visit to the rainforest community, went on: 'We think people prefer to use natural products and this is particularly the case for baby teething, for which, to my knowledge, there is no clinically tested natural alternative.'

Researchers at Ampika, the company founded by Dr Freedman to commercialise the gel, plan to publish the trial results in an international dental journal and conduct further tests in several countries.

They also want to refine the formula  to develop a higher strength and longer-lasting product.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Just had a molar out yesterday it took two dentists because the first ones arm got tired trying to remove it, lol, with all the yanking and pulling I thiought going to be really sore this morning well glad to report no pain! our dentists today with all the tools at their disposal are real pro`s !

I can see it already - the next Class I (equivalent to Class A) controlled substance. As the useless War on Drugs keeps spreading its toxic tentacles.

What's the bet it is too expensive to be given to NHS patients!?!

According to Wikipedia its called acmella oleracea (without an "h"). The impression I get is that isn't that rare (if Wikipedia can be relied on!) It's used in northern Brazil as both a salad leaf & as a cooked vegetable. It's grown in different parts of the world mainly as an ornamental shrub. It's even used in India to flavour tobacco. It also mentions the painkilling agent is referred to as spilanthol.

I have strep throat at the moment. I'd go to the Amazon in an air-balloon now to get that stuff!!!

Great! anything at all to help with toothave should be welcomed. I always reckon the three worst things a person can endure is Toothache, Sunburn and the cursed Flu.

It's called, Brazilian cress . It's a very attractive herb.

Wonderful discovery, and it only took 30 years to tell people about it? Typical academic!

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