sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

New Rochdale 'Sex Grooming' Inquiry - Sky News

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5:56pm UK, Saturday May 12, 2012

Nine men have been arrested in connection with a suspected second child grooming case in Rochdale - just days after a gang of the same number were jailed for the sexual exploitation of young girls in the town.

Greater Manchester Police do not believe the two cases are linked - but the fresh probe stems from the previous investigation.

The alleged new victim is understood to be one of 47 girls questioned by police in relation to the first probe.

The alleged abuse is believed to have taken place over a six-year period when the girl was in her teens.

The suspects, who are of Asian and Afro-Caribbean descent, are not thought to be known to each other.

The most recent arrests took place last Friday when two men, aged 24 and 26, were held on suspicion of sexual activity with a child.

Grooming trial

The gang jailed last week for grooming young girls for sex

A GMP spokesman said the arrests were the result of an inquiry into the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl by men since 2005.

"In total nine men have been arrested aged between 24 and 38-years-old, on suspicion of sexual activity with a child," he said.

"They have been bailed pending further inquiries."

Last week, nine men were jailed for a combined total of 77 years for grooming girls as young as 13 for sex.

One girl was forced to have sex with 20 men in one night when she was drunk.

The gang members - all from Pakistan apart from one from Afghanistan - were sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court and blasted for their "lust and greed" by Judge Gerald Clifton.

They were convicted of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16 and other sexual offences including rape and trafficking for sexual exploitation.

One who was seen as the ringleader, a 59-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, was jailed for a total of 19 years.

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk said: "There have been some who've said this is a one-off case but I have consistently said I believe it to be a wider problem and that's why I am pleased to see the police acting.

"We've seen inspiring bravery shown by victims in the recent trial.

"I hope the heavy sentences imposed will encourage other victims to speak out because this crime is being taken very seriously and we need to send out the clearest message that this behaviour will not be tolerated in Rochdale or anywhere else."

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