domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Starlings in danger after numbers plummet 80p per cent -

"But they are also special and engaging birds and their murmurations when they gather in the sky in flocks of up to a million before coming down to roost are one of the UK's most spectacular wildlife displays.

"But these flocks are becoming rarer and smaller in number. It is a real shame that we can no longer take the starling for granted and we want to get to the bottom of why that is."

Each winter, the UK's starling numbers are boosted by birds arriving from the continent. A decline in those visiting Britain in winter could be linked to the fall elsewhere in Europe..

Dr Richard Gregory, head of bird monitoring at the RSPB, said: "The starling is still a plentiful bird, but its numbers are falling alarmingly.

"Our records show we have lost more starlings across Europe than any other farmland bird. Forty million starlings lost represents over 150 for every hour since the 1980s. This loss should be a wake up call, because we ignore the decline of nature at our own peril."

Loss of grassland in parts of Europe through conversion to forestry land and the growing of crops could be partly responsible.

But these changes have not affected the UK in the same way, so the reasons for the rapid contraction in the UK are not understood.

Dr Will Peach, who is leading the research into the starling decline in the UK, said: "It is figures like these which have convinced us of the need for action, which is why we are launching a research programme to unravel the mystery of this bird's disappearance."

Working in Somerset and Gloucestershire, RSPB researchers will be working with farmers to examine whether there is sufficient food and nesting sites for starlings in livestock areas.

Starlings feed by probing lawns and pastures with their longish bills, looking for soil invertebrates, including cranefly larvae called leatherjackets.

These are widely regarded as pests, so starlings provide a good service for farmers and gardeners. Part of the study will examine the food supply of these pastures to assess whether starlings can find sufficient food.

Martin Harper, the RSPB's conservation director, added: "We don't know the reasons for the starling's decline, but we hope our research will yield the answers to ensure this bird has a secure future.

"Understanding exactly what is causing these declines will allow us to develop practical and cost effective solutions for land managers and farmers. These could then be delivered through wildlife-friendly farming schemes and other policy interventions.

"But only if Europe and our Government grow this vital source of funding as they reform the CAP and agree the European budget over the next few months."

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