jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

BNP membership and employment rights - The Guardian

We disagree with the European court of human rights ruling that the dismissal of BNP councillor Arthur Redfearn was a breach of his human rights (Bus driver sacked for being in BNP wins case, 7 November). Redfearn was employed by Serco, a Bradford council contractor, and his job involved driving Asian adults and children with disabilities. The BNP is known to be a fascist and racist organisation, with leading members calling for an all-white Britain. BNP leader Nick Griffin has a conviction for inciting racial hatred after describing the Holocaust as a hoax.

Therefore members of such an organisation do present a threat to Asian and disabled people, and others targeted by fascism. Redfearn specifically presented a threat to Asian and disabled passengers. British local councils, paid for by the tax payer, have to adhere to race relations legislation. This should not be undermined by the ECHR. Membership of the BNP should be viewed in the same way as membership of the Nazi party.
Weyman Bennett and Sabby Dhalu
Joint secretaries, Unite Against Fascism

•?Your report leaves perhaps the most important finding of the European court of human rights to the final two sentences – that the court criticised the fact that the bus driver could not pursue a claim of unfair dismissal because he had not worked for the employer for long enough.

Setting aside the issue of BNP membership and/or activity, this case highlights the appalling lack of basic, fundamental rights workers in the UK have. In this case the employee would have had to wait 12 months before having the right to claim unfair dismissal. Thanks to this vicious government it is now 24 months.

Why should I enter amicably into a contract with an employer and not be able to seek redress if that employer unfairly or wrongly breaks that contact? Unfair dismissal is exactly that – it is unfair and should be remedied and punished from day one, never mind even 12 months.
Daniel Maguire
Newcastle upon Tyne

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