martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Late MP Cyril Smith accused of abusing boys - The Guardian

The late Liberal Democrat MP Sir Cyril Smith abused young boys, an MP has claimed in the House of Commons.

The former MP for Rochdale, who died two years ago, is at the centre of allegations that he administered punishments to vulnerable children such as slapping youngsters' naked bottoms, the Labour MP Simon Danczuk said.

"Young boys were humiliated, terrified and reduced to quivering wrecks by a 29-stone bully imposing himself on them," he said.

Similar allegations have been made in the past about Smith, who was 82 when he died.

Danczuk, who now represents Rochdale, has previously highlighted the sexual abuse of young girls by Asian men in his constituency.

He made his accusations against his predecessor during a Commons debate on child sexual exploitation.

"Attempts to suppress the truth are not new in Rochdale," he said. "The culture of coverup stretches back much further than the recent grooming scandal, and extends right to the heart of our political establishment.

"If we are to make sure victims of child abuse are sufficiently empowered to claw back some of the dignity that has been taken from them, we need to be open about a widespread abuse of power in our borough."

Danczuk told the house that Smith was "a political giant" and one of Britain's most recognisable politicians. He claimed authorities were aware of allegations that the Lib Dem MP targeted children, but that a report into the accusations vanished.

"His career was continually dogged by allegations that he abused boys. These allegations appear in some of his obituaries.

"We know too that they appeared in police reports, though Lancashire police have said recently they can't find those reports — though they accept they carried out an investigation and it is suggested a report was pushed to the director of public prosecutions back in 1969."

MPs were told the abuse centred on the Cambridge House hostel where Smith was given "a disciplinarian role".

"I have been passed statements that were issued to the police in the 1970s regarding Smith's activities at Cambridge House hostel, and they make grim reading," Danczuk said.

"For some unknown reason, Cyril Smith had a kind of disciplinarian role at the hostel and was given free rein to administer punishment to the boys."

Danczuk quoted from one of the alleged victims' statements, where the boy told police: "He told me to take my trousers and pants down and bend over his knee.

"He hit me many times with his bare hands and I pleaded with him to stop because he was hurting me. Afterwards he came to my bedroom and wiped my buttocks with a wet sponge."

Danczuk identified two alleged victims who have come forward and been named publicly: Barry Fitton and Eddie Shorrock, who were 15 and 17 respectively when the allegedly abuse took place.

"This morning I was approached by another victim who does not want to be named because he said he was ashamed of what happened to him, and his wife is not aware of the abuse he received from Smith," Danczuk said. "What happened to them? Why was this ever allowed to happen?"

The Labour MP demanded a Greater Manchester police investigation into the claims against Smith, who was single, so victims could "have their voices heard".

"Confronting child abuse is a hard thing to do and we must never allow reputations or positions of power to deter us from doing what is right."

He added: "It's only by listening to victims that we can start to fully understand the crime of abuse in our communities. Only then can we ensure that mistakes of the past are not repeated again."

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