By Quentin Letts


Controversial Tory MP Nadine Dorries has signed up to take part in this years series of Im A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Nadine Dorries has signed up to take part in this years series of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

We can only imagine the discussion that took place in the offices of ITV's I'm A Celebrity …Get Me Out Of Here! Perhaps it went like this.

Desperate producer, chewing the rim of his Styrofoam coffee beaker: 'We need a political figure to make a fool of him or herself in the next series. That always generates publicity.'

Researcher: 'How about Boris Johnson?'

Producer: 'Nah, he wants to be Tory leader. Not even Boris is that stupid.'

Researcher: 'Cherie Blair?'

Producer: 'Too expensive.'

Researcher: 'Nadine Dorries?'

Producer: 'Who?' And then: 'OK, give this Doris Whatnot a call, but I doubt she'll do it.'

Call her they did, and, alas, she has agreed. Nadine Dorries, Conservative Member of Parliament for Mid Bedfordshire, has swanned off to Australia to take part in the next series of one of commercial television's more egregious programmes.

Mrs Dorries omitted to tell her Whips or her constituency activists beforehand of her decision to participate in the show. They are not impressed, and have suspended her from the party.

There is a feeling at Westminster, and I suspect in the wider country, that Mrs Dorries has betrayed the office of MP by descending to such TV trash. How dare she absent herself from her 'work-station' at the Commons? What on earth is she doing 'demeaning' her electors by going on telly alongside Ant, Dec and their cast of D-list grislies? Is that view legitimate? Or is it envious snobbery?

Some of us have, in the past, tried to stand up for Nadine Dorries. She is independent-minded, unpredictable, as fearless as ski jumper Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards.

Actually, she reminds me of someone else: Heather Mills, ex-wife of Paul McCartney.

I hope neither will take exception to the comparison, for it is not intended to be insulting. Both are gifted communicators. Both have an ability to divide opinion as sharply as a Chinese chef's chopper.

Both have a genius for politics as a branch of sentimental empathy rather than cold, actuarial analysis.


In some respects, Mrs Dorries is everything we often demand in our parliamentarians. She brings a welcome gust of the outside world to the stuffy Commons corridors. She connects with people.

Some of them may immediately decide she is not to their taste, but at least she elicits a reaction.

She is a one-woman answer to political apathy.

She also speaks bluntly to her party leadership — as we saw when she told David Cameron and George Osborne they were a couple of posh boys who needed to appeal to blue-collar voters. Good for her.

Nadine Dorries, Conservative MP for Mid-Bedfordshire, hopes to rasie awareness of issues like reducing the abortion time limit to 20 weeks

Anti- apathy: Dorries is independent-minded, unpredictable, and at least elicits a reaction

The public needs serious politicians in order to restore trust after incidents like Denis MacShane (left) resigning over his expenses and Lousie Mensch (right) rather suddenly quitting and moving to New York

It was probably a little rude of her not to let the Whips know beforehand that she was going to be unavailable for votes over the next few weeks, but there are worse crimes. Nor am I entirely convinced by the argument that an MP has to be on the parliamentary precincts from nine to five every day, clocking in and out like a factory worker. Politics is a vocation, not a profession.

We should encourage MPs to have outside interests. Were she taking a few weeks off in order to make a programme about the arts, or even politics, it might not be so bad. But I'm A Celebrity?...? Hmm.

This bus driver's daughter had a 'real' job before entering politics, having worked as a nurse. She is above, and now surely beyond, the narrow careerism that infects so many Westminster trundlers. If given the choice between being junior minister for drawing pins, or having the freedom to speak her mind, Mrs Dorries would unhesitatingly opt for the latter. Is that not admirable?

Until yesterday, I would have galloped to her lines and flailed my spiky mace with gusto, defending my heroine from the snoots who have so often dismissed her as 'Mad Nad'. Nadine Dorries is not mad. She is different. Zany. An acquired taste. A parliamentary one-off.

But her decision to take part in I'm A Celebrity has disenchanted me. I find it impossible to justify the move. It looks like nothing more than blatant selfishness — a misjudgment which I hope, even now, she might rethink. The programme's aim is to demean its contestants. Politics is too important for this sort of trashy stunt. Nadine, I wish you could see that you are better than this.

Context is necessary. The country is in economic and political crisis. Our public finances were wrecked by New Labour, and if the Cameron Government cannot repair them, Britain is in danger of social unrest. Politics becomes doubly important at such a time.


The 2010 general election result has left us with a Coalition Government that has made manifesto promises redundant, leading only to more public disenchantment in politicians. At such an hour in our national affairs, it becomes even more vital that MPs conduct themselves with honour and dignity.

At the same time, Parliament is trying to rebuild its reputation after the expenses scandals. There has been creditable progress — backbench MPs today are more influential,  more impressive than for a  generation — but there have also been setbacks.

The most recent of these came last weekend when Labour MP Denis MacShane resigned his seat owing to expenses fiddling. That took us back to the low points of 2009. Let's hope the setback is short-lived. There was also the recent case of Louise Mensch, a self-absorbed Tory backbencher who, in August, suddenly announced she was quitting the Commons in order to move to New York City to spend time with  her husband.

Hoity-toity Mrs Mensch had only two years earlier undertaken to serve the people of Corby as their representative in the Commons. Peeved by the demands of Westminster's working life (and perhaps astonished that she, a best-selling chick-lit novelist and glamourpuss, had not been promoted to a junior ministerial job), she dumped her constituents. Civic duty, to Mrs Mensch, seemed as disposable as a soiled Kleenex.

Stars: Ant and Dec present the show from the heart of the jungle in Queensland, Australia

Ant and Dec present the show from the heart of the jungle in Queensland, Australia, where many of the challenges involve humiliation for contestants - such as being covered in worms and bugs

This is not good for our society. Nor is Nadine Dorries's decision to enter ITV's celebrity jungle. To be a Member of Parliament is a higher station in life than being a celebrity. To be an MP is to be part of the elite. Elites must live to higher expectations than others. That is part of the deal, whether the egalitarians like it or not.

There is a conundrum in democratic politics: the most successful politicians are often the worst show-offs. Peacocks fly — or at least they do in London SW1. Look at Tony Blair. He was a brilliant election winner but was also the most revoltingly vain man.

The same might be said of David Cameron but for the sorry fact that he is not strictly an election winner! However, Messrs Blair and Cameron, for all their faults, have an overwhelmingly serious dimension to their characters.

Tony Blair, for all his faults and vanity at least, like Cameron, has a serious dimension to him

Tony Blair, for all his faults and vanity at least, like Cameron, has a serious dimension to him

Voters may not want MPs always to be loyal to their party. They may not want MPs to be grey stodges, dull suits who are too timid to stand up for their principles. I sense, however, that they do want MPs to be gripped by a sense of responsibility — by an appreciation that political service is, like the priesthood, a way of life rather than a larky way of earning a living.


The austerity age is also the adult age. The time for childish tomfoolery in our politics has passed.

We want our MPs to be (if you will excuse the Harmanesque noun) states-people.

Mrs Dorries makes the argument that by appearing on primetime TV she can connect with millions of Britons. She finds Westminster's debates frustratingly arcane, and says our political world is diseased by a cynicism that has challenged her Christian faith.

I sympathise on both those counts, yet I still reject her decision to travel Down Under.

As an MP she is in a position of rare privilege. We are entitled to expect more. If she wants to change the system, she should wage that battle from within the institution, not through the camera lens of a reality TV company that's paying her 40,000 (and counting) for her time.

Telegram to Nadine: stuff the bushtucker trials and catch the first Qantas flight back home to London.

The comments below have not been moderated.

We do need more outspoken MPs - but not ones as stupid and ignorant as Nadine! Her loud opinions on science and medical matters have been truly embarrassing.

She started to make herself look foolish when she modelled for the cameras at Westminster. Everyone thinks she's brave because she says what she thinks. I see it differently, I see it as mostly a lack of judgment because she demeaned too and she has a need for self publicity and attention seeking. Think I was proved right. It's easy to knock down, always portraying what's bad. What about building? She should be sacked.

The people of Mid Beds deserve better as does the Tory party. It is a shame that there is not going to be a bye election. She will only get kicked out of the House in 2015.

That's one less woman to sit directly behind Cameron at QT !

Mensch and Dorries. not the best example for the more women in parliament argument. Mensch left because she knew she was finished as a MP as she had been found lacking in any kind of intelligence. Dorries has effectively resigned to make money.

This MP looked as though she had a good, independent mind, but she has let herself down as well as everyone else. Even if she got on the next flight back her reputation would remain in tatters....from here onwards she will justifiably be regarded as a joke. What on earth was she thinking?

Can she take Dave, George and IDS with her?

Has she been talking with the Speakers wife?.

There are continual complaints that there aren't enough women in politics, company boardrooms etc. Lousie Mensch and "Doris" must have set back the argument in favour of their female colleagues by a decade.

Why not send all our MPs to the jungle and rename the programme I'm an MP keep me in here.

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