By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:22 AM on 28th April 2011
Reassessed: Iain Duncan Smith will take another look at the 2.6 million claimants
More than a million people have failed to qualify for state sick benefits since tough fitness tests were brought in.
The million around three quarters of all new disability benefit claims were found fit to work or have dropped their claims after doctors examined whether they were really disabled.
It means the taxpayer may now be saving as much as 100million a week that would have been paid to people wrongly claiming sickness benefits.
The Department for Work and Pensions figures show how successful new claims for sickness payouts have fallen dramatically since the Employment and Support Allowance was introduced in October 2008, replacing the notoriously abused Incapacity Benefit for new claimants.
It is only paid to those who have been assessed as unfit to work by doctors. Figures up to last August show that 887,300 of the 1,175,700 who tried to claim the handout were either classed as fit or dropped their claim.
Since drop-outs and fit-for-work findings have been running at the rate of around 40,000 a month since the beginning of 2009, it means well over a million people will by now have failed to secure the benefits.
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith now plans to reassess the existing 2.6million long-term claimants on IB.
Among those who tried to claim the new benefit between October 2008 and August last year, only six per cent, 73,500, were assessed as unable to work at all.
A further 16 per cent, 188,300, were found to be entitled to sickness benefits but capable of taking some forms of work.
Apparently 39% of the claims were dropped before the assessment finished. To those who maintain these appraisals weren't necessary if this isn't enough proof that huge numbers of claims were not genuine then you are suffering from an invincible misguided ideology. The money saved from these dishonest claimants will release more money for the deserving cases.
- JW, Surrey, 28/4/2011 11:21
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