jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

First Minister Alex Salmond agrees to delay sectarianism bill until end of the ... - Scottish Daily Record

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TOUGH laws to tackle football-related hate crime may not be implemented until halfway through the football season following a last-minute change of plan by the Scottish Government.

First Minister Alex Salmond said he had been persuaded to push back plans for two new criminal offences on sectarianism until the end of the year.

The announcement came less than one hour after community safety minister Roseanna Cunningham stressed the need to implement them before the start of the football season on July 23.

It emerged that Mr Salmond came to the decision during talks with Ms Cunningham, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland immediately after the issue was debated in the Scottish Parliament.

The meeting had been pre-arranged by ministers before the debate began, a spokesman for the First Minister said.

The timetable for change was criticised by Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green MSPs, who warned that mistakes could be made if the process is rushed.

Twenty minutes after the debate, Mr Salmond told MSPs that the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill would not be rushed through as "emergency" legislation.

Instead, the plans will be open to further scrutiny with an aim to be in place on January 1 next year.

Speaking at First Minister's Questions, Mr Salmond said he had listened to the comments in the chamber and responded accordingly.

He said: "I accept, and I think everyone accepts, that we have a majority in this chamber, but we need consensus.

"On this issue above all I want consensus, I want consensus across the chamber, I want consensus across our partner organisations."

Less than an hour earlier, Ms Cunningham, who is piloting the Bill through Parliament, said that in the Scottish Government's view "we simply cannot allow the next football season to kick off in the same way that the last one finished".

Opening the debate, she said: "A few weeks have passed now but we mustn't forget where we were at the end of the last football season.

"We were faced by some of the most shameful behaviour and incidents seen in many years, broadcast and reported repeatedly, seen throughout the world.

"Disorder, bigotry, threats and ultimately bullets and bombs through the post. These scenes shamed Scottish football but also they shamed Scotland."

She said the Bill is a "direct response", describing the legislation as short and sharp.

"There are other wider challenges we will face in the longer term but this Bill represents a proportionate response to an immediately serious issue," she added.

Speaking at Holyrood's Justice Committee yesterday, Stewart Regan, chief executive of the Scottish Football Association, said: "To introduce something new part way through the season I think would be quite challenging and would lose its impact."

Speaking at the same committee, the Lord Advocate said the Bill "doesn't necessarily have to be in before the football season".

But he said he would like to see it in place by then "because it gives us a clean break with the events of last season".

The draft Bill would create two offences relating to behaviour deemed to "incite religious, racial or other forms of hatred" in and around football grounds and on the internet.

Offenders could be jailed for up to five years under the proposals.

Scottish football was heavily criticised last season following several high-profile incidents, mainly suspected parcel bombs sent to Celtic manager Neil Lennon, his lawyer Paul McBride and Celtic-supporting former MSP Trish Godman.

Mr Lennon said today that he welcomed the "positive reaction from the powers-that-be".

He said: "I think it is important that there is no grey areas and things are put down in black and white so people understand what they can and cannot do, what they can and cannot sing, what they can and cannot say.

"I would like to think punishments will be handed out quite heavily for people who cross that line."

He added: "It's a new season and it's one that I am looking forward to, and I'm sure my family are as well."

Rangers also welcomed today's announcement.

A spokesman said: "As a club we are at pains to point out that we are in favour of the greater and more consistent enforcement of existing legislation and will support new legislation that takes things forward and helps eradicate the type of behaviour that afflicts football.

"This is not a Rangers problem or an Old Firm problem, these issues affect all of football rather than one particular club."

During the debate, Labour deputy leader Johann Lamont gave an assurance that her party would not condemn a late change of heart by the Scottish Government.

Speaking after the debate, Labour leader Iain Gray said: "The First Minister and SNP's incompetence had undermined the credibility of the Bill and they have now had to climb down from their attempt to rush it through.

"Alex Salmond has finally listened to what Labour and other parties were telling him. He has done the right thing."
Scottish FA Chief Executive, Stewart Regan, added his support to the decision, saying: "Today's announcement by the First Minister allows a more sensible period of consultation on what is a very serious and sensitive issue.
"The Scottish FA is a committed member of the Joint Action Group and believes in a united approach to eradicating all forms of unacceptable behaviour from football in this country.
"The news also gives us an opportunity to enable our new President, Campbell Ogilvie, to bring his experience to the table, having worked closely with UEFA on the issues of crowd safety and behaviour.
"Ultimately, we expect new legislation from the Scottish Government to be practical and enforceable. It is important the necessary groundwork is undertaken to ensure this is the case."

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