lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Lady Gaga has monsters, Cheryl Cole has soldiers - Reuters (blog)

Has Cheryl Cole gone Gaga?

The British singer, who is not the global phenomenon that is Lady Gaga, has written a message to her fans following her embarrassing fallout with the makers of the U.S. version of "X Factor", who apparently did not want her on the judging panel having initially said that they did.

Cole's website was silent throughout the fiasco which dominated British tabloid headlines for days, but she has finally broken her silence with a missive posted on Sunday reassuring the world that she is fine despite the setbacks and has been spending time with her friends, family and "doggys". Well, in fact she doesn't mention any setbacks, but merely describes the last few weeks as "the weirdest".

What struck me about the post was her reference to her fans as "my little soldiers" who "mean the world" to her. It recalls Lady Gaga's description of her most avid followers as "little monsters", a term of endearment which hints at a relationship beyond the normal star-fan connection. Some people view this axis as unhealthy, and liken it to a personality cult, whereas many of the millions of fans in question embrace Gaga and say she is an inspiration to them. Will Cole be able to replicate this kind of bond with her devotees?

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