By Kate Loveys

Last updated at 1:55 AM on 24th June 2011

Hundreds of state schools are killing off religious education by ignoring their legal obligation to teach the subject, it was claimed yesterday.

Since 1944 it has been enshrined in law that all five to 16-year-olds must study the subject at school.

Typically, guidelines state it should comprise at least 5 per cent of their curriculum – equivalent to one hour every week – and all 14 to 16-year-olds must take at least half a GCSE in religious studies.

Law: Hundreds of state schools are ignoring their legal obligation to teach the subject, it has been claimed

Law: Hundreds of state schools are ignoring their legal obligation to teach the subject, it has been claimed

But research published yesterday shows one in four comprehensive and academy schools do not teach religious studies at GSCE.

And some 31 per cent of grammars are now shirking the obligation.

The findings come as the Government seeks to leave the subject out of the new GCSE performance measure, the English Baccalaureate.

And the Coalition has removed the onus from schools watchdog Ofsted to police take-up of the subject.

As a result, schools have less incentive to teach the subject and increasingly think they can get away with breaking the law, it is claimed.

And religious experts fear RE is now at serious risk of completely disappearing in many schools.


Religious education has been integral to schooling in Britain since the Church of England first provided schools for the masses in 1812. 

In 1870, when the State opened schools, it remained a core component. And with the Education Act of 1944 it became law for pupils aged five to 16 to be taught RE. Initially the law simply required schools to give 'religious instruction'.

This remained unchanged to 1988 when the Education Reform Act established a mandatory National Curriculum of ten subjects, including RE.

Over time the subject has broadened to include all major world religions and atheism.

Ed Pawson, chairman of the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education, said: 'There has been a dramatic slump in the take-up of RE in secondary schools.

'Once it dies out at GCSE level, it will die right across the board.

'Nobody is policing the teaching of RE and the Government offers no incentive for it to be taught. It would be an absolute tragedy if it died out.

'The subject is more relevant today than ever and gives pupils an understanding of their culture and heritage, and the culture of others.'

The association conducted a poll of almost 2,000 secondary schools and found more than 500 are breaking the law by failing to teach RE to children aged between 14 and 16.

It predicts this trend will surge by at least 10 per cent next year – and  says the introduction of the English Baccalaureate is the key reason.

The English Baccalaureate is given to teenagers who score at least a C at GCSE in English, maths, science, a foreign language and a humanities subject, which is limited to history and geography.

But campaigners said that RE should have been included and its exclusion sparked a wave of protest.

A Department for Education spokesman said: 'RE remains a vital part of the school curriculum. That's why it remains compulsory for every single student up to 16.'