By Quentin Letts

Last updated at 10:55 PM on 23rd June 2011

MP or Italian waiter?: Mark Pritchard

MP or Italian waiter?: Mark Pritchard

Should you have heard, yesterday teatime, the thundering of hooves, a long, rhino roar and then a little pop disappearing over the horizon, it was Mark Pritchard in the Commons.

Mr Pritchard (Con, The Wrekin) exploded magnificently after days of aggro from the Tory Whips. Beast on the rampage

As Mr Pritchard angrily described, the Whips put the frights on him, trying to talk him out of his motion calling for a ban on wild animals in circuses. Mr Pritchard ignored them.

They offered him (so he says) the inducement of a small job.
Still he refused.

They threatened him (so he says) with pressure from 10 Downing Street, from the PM's office itself.

Still Mr Pritchard would not be tamed.

No number of Bonios or choc drops or whatever it is you give a furious ungulate would buy his co-operation.

One way to deal with heavies, be they Whips, blackmailers or libel lawyers, is to tell the wide world what they have been up to. That is what Mr Pritchard did yesterday.

Class attack: Mark Pritchard launched a scathing attack on David Cameron

Class attack: Mark Pritchard launched a scathing attack on David Cameron

Good for him.

He is not the most easily loveable of creatures, young Pritchard.
There are men more clubbable. Colleagues can find him self-absorbed.

But he has a shard of bloody-mindedness, a flash point. Had he not become an MP he might have made a splendid Italian waiter.

In the hot kiln of his bate yesterday he launched a class-war attack on David Cameron.

'I may just be a little council house lad from a very poor background,' he said (he grew up in Hereford, I am proud to say), 'but that background gives me backbone'.

We were left to fill in the words 'unlike Etonians!'.

Mr Pritchard added: 'We need a generation of politicians with a bit of spine, not jelly.' Miaow! Hang on, do rhinos mew?

Down on the ministerial bench, toenails curled against shoe leather and groins shrivelled. Labour MPs cheered.

Tory backbenchers stilled.

Doorkeepers discreetly reached for tin helmets and tightened chin straps.

Mr Pritchard added that Government talk of a ban being incompatible with European law was 'a red herring'.

Oh no, not wild fish, too.

The debate was, by turns, pulsating and saccharine.

Speaking well: MP Zac Goldsmith

Speaking well: MP Zac Goldsmith

Sheryll Murray (Con, SE Cornwall) started talking about a wild monkey she knew. She even had a photo of the thing.

Caroline Lucas (Green, Brighton Pavilion) seemed more concerned about banning cruelty to the European Union.

Labour's Kevan Jones (N Durham) and Dave Watts (St Helens N) simply wanted to set traps for Mr Cameron.

There are only 39 wild animals in British circuses, so the animal-welfare issue is tiny compared to that of factory farming, as pro-ban Zac Goldsmith (Con, Richmond Park) admitted.

Mr Goldsmith, who spoke well, explained the real thing here was a test of parliamentary self-esteem. Did the Commons have the nerve to state its opinion?

We have war in Libya. We have Greece going bankrupt.

In Westminster Hall at the same time yesterday they were discussing the hefty scandal of private finance initiatives, worth billions of pounds.

Seeking a ban on a few tigers and lions in circuses ain't the world's biggest thing. So why did the Cameron Government try to frustrate it?

Absent: Caroline Spelman

Absent: Caroline Spelman

The relevant Secretary of State, since you ask, is 'Calamity' Caroline Spelman.

Again she absented herself and left Commons duties to her more popular deputy, James Paice. Poor old Mr Paice accepted he was 'walking the tightrope'.

After the drama of Mr Pritchard's possibly suicidal speech we had another brave contribution from Andrew Rosindell (Con, Romford).

He warned Mr Pritchard against becoming the captive of politically-motivated animal rights groups which simply want to raise funds.

Mr Rosindell, who has a long history of speaking up for animal welfare, argued that there is little cruelty to animals in circuses.

Jim Dowd (Lab, Lewisham W) called him 'idiotic' but we need not take seriously everything, or even much, that ginny-voiced Mr Dowd says.

The motion was nodded through but, given it was not attached to a Bill, does not lead automatically to any legislation. Wild animals in circuses may or may not be banned. But the Spelman shooting season begins today.