miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

waiting on line - CNET (blog)

iPhone cravers make their way to Craigslist

is no exception.

I was inspired by a

Nevertheless, I think it's safe to say that things will be kind of nuts starting around 6 a.m. on Friday. Maybe even earlier.

Easier money than forwarding that chain letter? (Santa Monica, Calif.)

Wow, Jack and Meg just got shafted (Chicago, Ill.)

Oh, the opportunism (SoHo, N.Y.)

The bidding war is on (New York, N.Y.)

This is what sick days are for (Cupertino, Calif.)


Professional? Do you have references? (Dedham, Mass.)

OK, we know you want an iPhone (Deer Park, N.Y.)


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