domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

The camera from another galaxy -

Galaxy Camera by Samsung Corp.
$499.99 at AT&


Youve heard of Samsungs popular Galaxy smartphones and tablets. Now theyve attached the name to one of their oddest and coolest products yet, one that combines a mini-tablet computer with a sharp and sophisticated camera.

On the backside, you find a 4.8-inch screen. Fire it up. and you get the latest edition of Google Inc.s Android software. You can connect to a nearby Wi-Fi signal for Internet access, or sign up for access to AT&Ts 4G LTE cellular data network. You cant use the Camera to make cell phone calls. But you can scour the Internet, send and receive e-mail or even get turn-by-turn driving directions, with help from the Camers GPS chip.

Touch the camera icon, and out rolls a huge lens with 21X optical zoom. It takes beautiful pictures, which you can instantly share over the phones wireless connection. In addition, the phone software includes voice commands that let you change the zoom setting or fire the shutter with your voice instead of your finger.

Im not sure which mad genius at Samsung dreamed up the Galaxy Camera, but he or she deserves a raise. This is one of the most original tech gadgets of the year.

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