viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Argentina condemns Cameron remarks - Belfast Telegraph

Friday, 17 June 2011

Argentina's president has laid into David Cameron over remarks he made about the Falkland Islands.

Cristina Fernandez described Britain as a "crude colonial power in decline" and upbraided the Prime Minister for what she called an expression of "mediocrity and stupidity".

The response came after Mr Cameron told the Commons on Wednesday: "I would say this: as long as the Falkland Islands want to be sovereign British territory, they should remain sovereign British territory - full stop, end of story."

The president has insisted Argentina and Britain should negotiate over the South Atlantic islands, which the two countries fought a 10-week war over in 1982.

Addressing Mr Cameron's stance, she said: "In the 21st century (Britain) continues to be a crude colonial power in decline."

She branded Mr Cameron "arrogant" and said his remarks were an expression of "mediocrity and stupidity".

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