viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Beachcomber told to leave driftwood home -

He began building his idyllic home in 1985 when he discovered the tumbledown remains of a 17th Century bark drying house in Embelle Wood near Porlock, Somerset.

Mr Burgess said: ''When I first saw it, it just had walls and spaces for the windows.

''I thought it would have been nice to stay in and I've collected driftwood over the years to put it right.

''It is an old ruined cottage which was begun in 1812 but was never completed. I am not doing any harm and I pick up rubbish.

''We belong to the land, the land doesn't belong to us. I don't think I'm squatting.''

Mr Burgess built up the walls with timber and created a roof from green tarpaulin.

He has fashioned hammock chairs from fishing nets salvadged from the Bristol Channel and cooks outside on a stone grill powered by firewood.

The sheltered spot is four miles from the nearest village and shop, which Mr Burgess visits periodically to stock up on food.

He cannot grow his own food at the site because wild deer would eat it so he survives on tinned and dried food.

Mr Burgess lives in the property throughout the year but sometimes retreats to stay with friends during the harsh winter months.

But the management of Exmoor National Park say the woodland and its buildings have been in its ownership since 1974.

Mr Burgess disputes this and applied to the Land Registry for ownership of the land - infuriating the National Park.

It said in a statement said: ''We deplore the selfish action being taken by one individual in seeking to take ownership of this building, therefore denying access to the wider public.

''We have submitted our evidence to the Land Registry and await their decision on this matter.

''The building in question is of historic interest which, before it was altered by Mr Burgess, had gaps in the sides suggesting it could have been the remains of a tan bark drying house or lime burner's building.

''It forms part of a complex of structures and tracks including a limekiln and the remains of two other buildings.''

However, Mr Burgess has now withdrawn his claim to ownership and bosses at the National Park say they considering ways he can ''continue to enjoy the area''.

The statement continued: ''We now understand that Mr. Burgess plans to withdraw his claim of private ownership on the building and should he do so then we would be happy to discuss with him some arrangement whereby he could continue to enjoy the area.

''What we deplored was that he was seeking ownership.''

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