lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Public-sector unions refuse to back down over pensions strike - WalesOnline

TRADE unions last night looked certain to ignore calls from their own supporters to step back from strike action over pension reforms, paving the way for a wave of massive industrial unrest not seen since the 1926 General Strike.

The Government and unions now look locked in conflict after Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander signalled yesterday that ministers would stick to their guns over controversial public-sector pension reforms.

Both the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), which represents civil servants, and NHS workers' union Unison have warned the impasse could see as many as 10 million people involved in action this autumn.

Hundreds of thousands of public-sector workers are already set to strike on June 30 over plans to make staff work longer and pay more for less generous pensions.

Mr Alexander's warning came after Labour Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls urged the unions not to fall into the Government's "trap" by taking strike action.

Mr Balls said a strike would allow the coalition to blame the sluggish economic recovery on industrial unrest.

But leader of the PCS in Wales Peter Harris criticised Mr Balls for saying the unions should cancel their nationwide walkout on June 30.

Mr Harris said the PCS and the other unions involved, including the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), had no choice because the Government wouldn't take part in "meaningful negotiations".

Mr Harris said: "What Ed Balls didn't say when he said we were falling into a Government trap is what we could do other than carry on talking.

"The problem with that is that we've been talking for many months and we're being told the talks are getting nowhere."

Professor Patrick Minford, a former economic adviser to Margaret Thatcher, warned the unions' action would alienate the public and invite tougher strike laws.

The Cardiff University economist said the unions had to accept not just pension reform, but also that job losses and pay freezes were inevitable in the public sector.

Prof Minford, 68, said the economic backdrop of a huge deficit, slow recovery and rising world commodity prices made current public-sector pensions unsustainable.

The Government borrowed just under £140bn in 2010-11 to finance its spending, but the overall level of its debt rose to £910bn or 60% of the economy.

This is up from £765bn the previous year, when debt equated to 53% of annual output.

Prof Minford said: "The economy has lost 5% of its potential output, people are much poorer and there's high oil and commodity prices.

"The world economy is a different place and there's a very large deficit, which has to be resolved and dealt with."

Mr Alexander insisted ministers wanted a "constructive dialogue" with the unions, but indicated this would be restricted to how the changes would be implemented.

He made it clear the Government was determined to stick to the broad principles for reform set out in the review of public-sector pensions by former Labour cabinet minister Lord Hutton.

He recommended ending final-salary pension schemes in the public sector and replacing them with deals based on career-average earnings.

The Labour peer also recommended the age at which people could draw their pensions should rise from 60 to 66 by April 2020.

Mr Alexander said: "What we have to get to is a situation where, yes, people have to work a bit longer and contribute a bit more, as we have put forward, but that we maintain the quality of their pensions into the future."

But Unison general secretary Dave Prentis warned the Government would not get its way without a fight on a scale similar to the 1926 General Strike.

He told Sky News' Murnaghan programme: "If we're going to be treated with disdain in the way that we are being now, then we will move to an industrial action ballot.

"And it will be the biggest action since 1926 because up to 10 million people will be involved."

And Dr Andrew Dearden, chair of the British Medical Association's Welsh Council and Pensions Committee, said: "Wealthier people – like doctors – will make alternative arrangements and still aim to retire at 60 or 65.

"When higher-paid workers come out of the scheme, the lowest-paid workers will have to pay more.

"Will people want to pay more into the pension scheme and work for longer but get less pension than they do currently?

"When the Government talks about a pensions black hole, they mean if everyone stopped paying contributions tomorrow, which is nonsense.

"Other public-sector schemes are in negative balance, but the NHS scheme already has some of the highest contributions, has a cost-sharing agreement in place and has been in positive balance for the last five years and will be for the next five.

"Why, then, would the Government want to change a pension scheme that's in positive balance, is financially stable and will give the Government £67bn over the next 50 years?

"I suspect they want to use public-sector pensions as a tax-generating body – it's a stealth tax but without the stealth.

"They are trying to make people work up to 10 years longer in the public sector and then give you a pension that gives you less money."

Peter Meredith-Smith, deputy director of the Royal College of Nursing Wales, said: "Some of the big public-sector unions are planning industrial action, but at the moment we are in the midst of national negotiations with the Government on terms and conditions.

"For the Government to make this announcement now is not helpful, but we are committed to continue working with them on this.

"There's a real risk that we will see talented and experienced staff who are nearing pension age leaving if there is any suggestion the scheme will be changed."

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