viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Apple or BlackBerry - London Free Press (blog)

With the major problems BlackBerry endured this week, I'm sure they've lost lots of business.

Now Apple has come out with its iPhone 4S today and consumers are loving it. Tech reviewers were disappointed with the new phone but Apple doesn't care as long as it's selling.

Do you have a BB and were you really inconvenienced?

Will you switch to Apple?

And what to you is the best phone out there?

All of the reporters at the Free Press have BlackBerries. I like mine.

We could still receive our emails on our computers at work when the BB system went down so it wasn't much of an inconvenience to me.

This is what was being said on Twitter this week: "It's the final nail in a long overdue and outdated coffin for a company out of touch with a user base."

"I won't be switching. I LOVE my BlackBerry. Stuff happens with tech."

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