domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Does 3DS have deep appeal? - Toronto Star

Nintendo addicts' latest of object of desire: the 3DS.

Nintendo addicts' latest of object of desire: the 3DS.

The iPad 2? That's so two days ago; now it's about the Nintendo 3DS. Seriously, this weekend is a tech March Madness here in Canada, and both gadgets will inspire long queues of fanatics waiting at stores to get their hands on the new device. But Sunday is the 3DS' debut. Since we've spent the past week checking out Nintendo's newest hand-held, here's are our thoughts on whether it lives up the hype.

What's new?

Nintendo's portable gaming device has been a monstrous success since it debuted in 2004. The latest edition, retailing for $250 and is available today. The best thing about its use of enhanced depth is the 3-D slider, which allows a player to control the depth of the effect (to suit how much of the 3-D effect you can handle). The graphics are much improved, there's a new thumb-pad joystick, collapsible stylus and there are cosmetic changes, like the clamshell device's matte finish.

Why is it important?

3-D as a technology use all the good press it can get. It has padded movie-theatre bottom lines, but so far the 3-D TV push remains stalled. This is the first glasses-free 3-D device that people will have in their homes, and the initial effect — even on the small screen — is impressive.

Things we liked

 • While the DS has always had a kid-oriented feel, it was our go to hand-held before Apple's app gaming revolution, and this latest device feels more like an evolution, as opposed to a revolution. It likely won't make us pack up our iPhones — hey, we need those to make phone calls — but it is still a much more substantial gaming experience.

 • The circle thumb pad is a great new addition.

 • The most underrated addition is the augmented reality games, which use the camera and put gameplay elements in the world around us. When the camera sees an AR card (some of which come with the device) it unlocks games, or 3-D images of some Nintendo's most famous characters. In one game, for example, you place a card down on the table, and it alters the background so it looks like a dragon is coming out of the table. Along with the camera game, there's Face Raiders — where you have to shoot floating devices with faces of people you take pictures with in 3-D space all around you — which is guaranteed to impress with some fun, gee-whiz moments.

 • Playing games in 3-D space with a portable device feels like the real breakthrough so far. Games like Face Raiders and Steel Diver require you to move the device all around you in 360-degree space, which is very cool.

Things we didn't like

 • The battery taps out at about 4.5 hours, and perhaps less depending on how turned up the 3D effect is used. As well, everyone has a different threshold for 3-D usage. I found I got a headache after about 1.5 hours of usage.

 • There's a planned E-shop coming down the line, but it's not available on launch day, which is a disappointment.

 • In the launch lineup, some games feel like expanded technology demos and while there is a bit of variety, there may not be a killer game in the initial offering. That will improve with time, but at the moment it feels like the games are made just to check out the 3-D.

Initial impressions of games

Super Street Fighter 4 3D Edition — The most impressive thing about this port is how close it is to the grown-up version. This will be the must buy for hard-core gamers, and they won't be disappointed.

Steel Diver — This side-scrolling submarine game is one of those that feels like a demo. The coolest part is using the device as a periscope.

Pilotwings Resort — This flying update of the N64 classic does a good job of showcasing the 3-D and has fun challenges. Our only complaint is the setting — Wuhu Island — making it very similar to the flying game in Wii Sports Resort.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D — This soccer simulation is another good 3-D show, and is a pretty good soccer game.

Rayman 3D — While the Rabbids have been getting all the love, Ubisoft's armless hero is back, and this is good choice for people who love platforming.

What else should we know?

We didn't get a chance to try out the new Streetpass function, which will help connect gamers connect as they are walking around, which is an interesting attempt at fomenting real-world social gaming networks.

Should you buy one?

For Nintendo fanboys and early adopters, the answer is yes. The 3DS delivers on its promises, and has a good number of baked-in goodies that will keep players busy.

For everyone else — i.e. particularly those who don't have a youngster clamouring for one — a lacklustre launch lineup, which will only improve with time, means you can you can wait to upgrade.

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