charges including three rapes and seven indecent assaults on frail men and women aged up to 93.

But detectives are convinced he carried out many more vile attacks.

Grant, who prowled South London at night and sexually assaulted ­terrified victims after breaking into their homes, may have committed as many as 1,000 burglaries.

Officers have identified 203 "definite" Night Stalker break-ins and a further 400 that are "highly probable".

The figures don't include burglaries from before 1996 – because they were not logged on computers – and victims too traumatised to come forward.

Met Commander Simon Foy called Grant "perverted, callous and violent".

He added: "It is not too dramatic to say when he was caught, thousands of people in the South East were able to switch out their lights and go to sleep without the dreadful thought they would be preyed on by Grant."

The Night Stalker was convicted of burglary and sex attacks by a 10-2 majority. As the verdicts were read out at Woolwich crown court, Grant remained unrepentant and shook his head as he stared at the floor of the dock.

Judge Peter Rook warned him he will today be jailed indefinitely with a "very long" minimum sentence.

Grant's depraved assaults on vulnerable pensioners over two decades were described by sickened detectives as "some of the most sinister and disturbing" in history.

Seven of Grant's petrified victims died before he was arrested in 2009 but one watched from the public gallery as he was finally brought to justice.