miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Anonymous claims responsibility for attack on neo-Nazi web site - Inquirer

HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has claimed responsibility for an attack on a Finnish neo-Nazi web site.

The move prompted the resignation of a parliamentary aide, Ulla Pyysalo, who worked for the True Finns MP Juho Eerola, over her alleged links to the group.

Anonymous Finlnd's statement said, "We have successfully and easily hacked [the neo-Nazi] website and published the database of its membership application database containing personal datas of some applicants from all around the country."

It added, "We have no tolerance for any group based on racial, sexual and religion discrimination as well as for all the people belonging to them and sharing their ideologies, which is the reason why we decided to carry out last Monday's attack."

Authorities are investigating the security breaches, according to an online message attributed to Anonymous Finland.

Meanwhile, according to the Daily Mail, several of Israel's defence web sites crashed yesterday in a suspected cyber attack by Anonymous.

This came two days after a warning posted on Youtube in which Anonymous said it would retaliate after Israel stopped two vessels carrying activists and journalists to Gaza.

The Youtube posting was titled "An Open Letter From Anonymous To The Government Of Israel" and outlined the most recent incident and referred to the Israeli interception as "piracy on the high seas".

Anonymous hasn't claimed direct responsibility for the suspected attacks on Israeli government web sites, but it does sound too much like the hacktivist group's work to be just a coincidence.

It warned Israel, "If you continue blocking humanitarian vessels to Gaza or repeat the dreadful actions of May 31st, 2010 against any Gaza Freedom Flotillas then you will leave us no choice but to strike back." µ

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