sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Bieber expects more paternity claims - RTE.ie

The singer was named as the father of Yeater's three-month-old son Tristyn in a paternity lawsuit filed this week.

She alleged that the pair had sex backstage at a concert in October 2010, though Bieber has insisted that they never met.

Speaking to TMZ about the claims, Bieber accepted that his fame could attract many more "crazy" accusations.

"It's the first time that something like this has happened, so it's kind of really crazy," he said. "I'm sure it won't be the last but it's just sad that it has to happen like this.

"I mean, it's just weird that people automatically assume that it was true. But I knew eventually it would die down. There's a lot of people that get accused of different things, especially in my business. It's something that comes with the territory."

Bieber added that he had been trying to ignore the controversy and had already grown tired of the resultant media speculation.

"There's a lot of lies that happen and you just gotta focus on what's important. I stay away from all that stuff. I really have been so busy promoting my Christmas album, I haven't had any time to be on the computer.

"[It's annoying] a little bit. People saying, 'Are you going to be a father?' and all this stuff. Someday I will be, but not any time soon."

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