domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

Duke and duchess get new digs - USA Today (blog)

Prince William and his bride are about to have a new home. St. James's Palace has confimed that the young Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have selected an apartment in Kensington Palace as their primary residence.

The apartment, formerly home to Princess Margaret, was described in one report as having four stories, with five bedrooms -- i.e. plenty of space for a little royal, should the pregnancy rumors sparked a few days ago turn out to be accurate -- as well as three reception rooms and a private garden. It is expected to be ready for the royal couple some time in 2013, after undergoing renovations.

At that point, Prince Harry will likely move into the smaller palace property where William and Kate now reside, when not in North Wales, where the elder prince works for the Royal Air Force as a search-and-rescue pilot.

William and Kate will likely continue to divide their time between London and Wales, according to palace officials.

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