martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Huhne ex-wife aspires to be an MP - BBC News

The ex-wife of Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has told the BBC she is considering seeking election as a Liberal Democrat MP.

Speaking to Radio 4's World at One, Vicky Pryce revealed her ambitions and said she even aspired to become Britain's first woman chancellor.

Ms Pryce said she was still rebuilding her life after her husband left her more than a year ago for another woman.

She said she was "completely shocked" on learning of her husband's affair.

The couple divorced in January on the grounds of his adultery.

Police have submitted a file to the Crown Prosecution Service over claims Mr Huhne asked his former wife to take speeding points on his behalf for an offence in 2003 so that he would not lose his licence.

In her first broadcast interview about the break-up of her marriage, Ms Pryce, 59, revealed that Mr Huhne told her their marriage was over during the half-time break of a televised World Cup match in June 2010. He then immediately went to his study to write a statement and sent it out to the press, she said.

Penalty points

She refused to discuss the ongoing police investigation into the penalty points allegations.

On her political ambitions, she said: "I am a Liberal Democrat. I have become much more keen recently to do something in politics.

"I have been thinking about how to become much more involved, either through finding a seat - but of course it is going to be rather hard in the next election - or some other way."

The mother-of-five added: "Certainly, in terms of economics, which is my field, I could contribute quite a lot. I'm trying hard to think whether there has ever been a woman chancellor - I don't think so.

"I'm not suggesting that I am so big-headed that I ever think that this could be the case, but it would be nice to encourage women to think they can do it."

Since the couple's split, the Greek-born economist and former civil servant has become a regular presence on the TV screens discussing the crisis in the eurozone, but has rarely spoken about her personal life or her political ambitions.

'That was that'

She recalled the shock of her husband's announcement that their 26-year marriage was over.

"I was watching the World Cup and it was half-time and I came down to have something to eat and my husband came in and told me that he had been found out by the press for having an affair and he was about to make a statement before they exposed him," she said.

"I discovered it just like that. It was only over a few minutes' conversation that I learnt that my marriage had basically come to an end.

"He went to the study and wrote (the statement) and sent it off. That was that."

Asked if she had suspected her husband was being unfaithful, Ms Pryce said: "I had absolutely no idea. I was completely shocked."

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