By Rob Waugh

Last updated at 3:39 PM on 4th November 2011

  • Google will index comments from sites using Facebook's comments plug-in
  • Move should see lively discussion sites benefit
  • Google also tweaking search so 'trending' results 'work faster'

The Google logo

The Google logo

Google's all-seeing eye is to peer even further into the corners of the internet - and it's going to get a speed boost into the bargain.

Google has announced that it will now index comments posted via Facebook - a move that could leave people nervous about what they say in Facebook comment sections.

It isn't quite as terrifying as it sounds - comments you make on private Facebook pages such as your friends' won't be indexed by Google.

But if you comment on another site with Facebook comments built in, Google's 'spider' programmes will find, and index that.

Anyone then searching for words you used in your comment will then see what you said. You will even be able to search for a specific commenter by name and see what they've said on other sites - a good way of sniffing out spammers.

Previously, the programming of comment channels on sites meant that it was difficult for Google to 'read' comments sites with Facebook plug-ins or similar software such as Disqus.

It's part of a suite of tweaks to what Googlers refer to as the 'Googlebot' which will see its searches becoming ever-more comprehensive.

Changes to the algorithm this week will see search results being more 'timely' - in the same way as searches via Twitter - so if you search for an event occurring now, the newest results will be at the top of the page.

Google says that up to 35 per cent of searches will be affected by this.

Google's search engine is being tuned up this week so it can 'read' comments on sites using Facebook plug-ins - and it will also be faster to respond to news events

Google's search engine is being tuned up this week so it can 'read' comments on sites using Facebook plug-ins - and it will also be faster to respond to news events

Google could read the content of the page, but not the comments.

One of Google's search team Tweeted, 'Googlebot keeps getting smarter. Now has the ability to index some dynamic comments'

Google says that the move will allow comments and links to be 'part' of sites.

The move should see more sites using Facebook's comments plug-in - but will benefit both Facebook and Google, as Google's search becomes ever more comprehensive.

Recent changes to the algorithm

Now comments will pop up in Google searches - although they're not expected to pop up among the top results for any given search term.

The move could lead to sites that are driven by lively comment channels improving their standing in Google's search results.