Blair could had stopped Bush from attacking Iraq in 2003: Annan
LONDON, (SANA): United Nations former secretary general Kufi Annan has disclosed that US would not have attacked Iraq in 2003, if former UK prime minister Tony Blair had not cooperated with George Bush.
According to an interview published in British newspaper, kufi Annan said that Tony Blair was the only person who could have stopped George Bush from attacking Iraq in 2003.
He said that Tony Blair had good relations with George Bush. He said that Tony Blair was annoyed with George Bush over the second resolution of UN Security Council. Tony Blair was of the view that they both were equal partners in the war and why the second resolution was approved in hurry without taking Britain into confidence.
He said that in the light of resolution Iraqi president Saddam Hussain should have given a chance which was not given by the US and forces were sent in Iraq which was against the resolution and the agreement.
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