jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Secret courts plan receives blow at Lib Dem conference - The Guardian

Nick Clegg's plan to back a new law that would expand the use of secret courts has received a serious blow after the Liberal Democrat autumn conference voted overwhelmingly against part of the justice and security bill.

In a passionate debate, opponents successfully argued that if passed it would allow ministers to trigger a secret court procedure when defending claims and limit public scrutiny of the government and the security services.

The move is a significant embarassment for the leader, who will return to Westminster mandated by his party to oppose a bill he has personally supported.

A number of MPs and senior party figures supported a wrecking amendment that would have robbed the motion of its primary purpose, opponents said. The amendment was also defeated, prompting a cheer and a ripple of applause.

Jo Shaw, a party member who tabled the motion to withdraw from part of the bill, told the conference that if passed into law it would allow an unprecedented and deeply flawed system to be implemented in Britain's courts. "Conference should remember that Kafka's novel was a warning, not a manual," she said.

More soon …

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