Arab nations were under pressure yesterday to back the war on Gaddafi – amid warnings Britain faced months of fighting.

The call for the Arab states to "pull their weight" came amid growing divisions among the allies on who should command the military operation.

Britain's bill for the conflict looks set to be tens of millions of pounds.

But so far only the Qataris have contributed to the task force, despite early promises of support from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The Arab League – the umbrella body for the Arab nations – is reluctant to join the conflict if the command is transferred to the Western Nato military alliance.

Writing in the Mirror, John Baron, the only Conservative MP to vote against the war, said: "We are told we are responding to calls from our Arab allies, so why not let them enforce a no-fly zone?

"They have sophisticated fighter aircraft and Radar systems, and Egypt is perfectly placed to act as a base. Our Arab allies can also better afford this operation."


Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Graydon, also said he would like to see a greater contribution from the Arab nations.

The former RAF chief of staff said he was delighted the Qataris had joined the military effort but added: "I would like to see more of the Arab nations involved."

And Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy said: "We support the UN mission and it is absolutely vital the Government does all in its power to build the widest possible coalition of support, including among Arab nations."

The pressure came as Foreign Secretary William Hague last night warned the conflict could run for months, saying it was still in its "early stages".

"I don't think you can put a deadline or a time objective on it. We need to do those things as long as it is necessary to do those things," he said.

His stark warning came on another day of disarray among the allied nations.

David Cameron told MPs on Monday he hoped the command of the operation could be transferred from the US to Nato.

But the move has been blocked by France and Turkey.

France's foreign minister Alain Juppe said: "The Arab League does not wish the operation to be entirely placed under Nato responsibility."

Embarrassing differences also emerged over which country's military commander would take overall charge if Nato did take over the operational responsibility.

Despite two days of heated talks among the 28 Nato member states at the HQ in Brussels, there appeared no sign the deadlock had been broken.

Italy underlined the deep split by warning that if the row was not resolved it would withdraw the seven airbases made available to allied air forces.

And Norway said its jets would not take part while it was unclear who was in overall command.

In a further blow to Nato's unity, Turkey said the air strikes against Gaddafi had already gone beyond the UN resolution.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told his parliament: "Turkey will never point weapons at the Libyan people."

Mr Cameron spoke to President Obama last night in an attempt to find a way through the Nato deadlock.

Downing Street said the two leaders were "satisfied" with the "substantial progress" in Libya. They agreed a lot of work remained to be done and avoiding civilian casualties remained paramount.

"They also agreed good progress had been made in Nato on command and control of military operations, and that Nato should play a key role in the command structure," said a spokesman.

But there was no sign Mr Cameron's meeting with Prince Saud, the Saudi Foreign Minister, resulted in the country offering to contribute to the operation.

A spokesman said: "On Libya, the PM set out the action we were taking in support of implementation of Resolution 1973. Prince Saud expressed strong support for the aims of 1973 and the steps being taken by the international community to enforce it."

Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn expressed concern about the costs of the conflict.

He said: "People are worried about spending half a million pounds a time on firing missiles into Libya while at the same time large numbers of public services are being threatened with cuts or closures."

George Osborne admitted the cost of Britain's involvement in the conflict is likely to be "tens of millions of pounds".

The Chancellor told MPs: "It is too early to give a robust estimate of the costs of the operations in Libya. What I can say is it should be modest compared to Afghanistan. The MoD's initial view is this will be in the order of the tens of millions not hundreds of millions of pounds."

Meanwhile, Qatar suffered a setback when its two Mirage fighters and a C-17 transport aircraft had to make an emergency landing in Cyprus after being blown off course and running low on fuel.