martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Norway's mass murderer shows no pity for victims - euronews

Smirking and showing no remorse Anders Behring Breivik pleaded not guilty to the massacre of 77 people in Norway last year.

As the prosecution at his trial spelled out how and where his victims died in twin gun and bomb attacks, the self confessed killer was mainly expressionless.

That is until the anti-Islamist, right-wing extremist was confronted by his own home made propaganda videos.

Victims' lawyer, Mette Yvonne Larsen said:

"He was not responding when they read the indictment, which was one-and-a-half hour of terrible things he has done, but he was crying a little bit when his own movie was shown on the screen and I think that's because he has this personality, he feels sorry for himself and not for the other victims."

Today Breivik will take the stand when he's expected to say he was defending Norway against multiculturalism and that he killed in self defence.

Survivor Bjoern Ihler: "I think it is very important that the world sees this and sees it for what it is. It is a tragedy that is founded on political views that are very common in the rest of the world as well and we have to fight that and we have to fight extremist actions like this."

The trial is scheduled to last ten weeks during which time the court must rule on whether a man driven by his own vision of the world can slaughter scores of people, most of them youngsters, and be judged sane.

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