sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Cameron gets media pat for EU budget stance - Oman Daily Observer

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron secured a decent result for Britain at the European Union budget summit, Britain's newspapers said yesterday, while warning that his good fortune may not last. The Sun called the premier "Cam of Steel".
"The prime minister returns from Brussels with his head held high," the tabloid said. "He refused to back down over a freeze or cut in the EU budget. He showed some steel. Good for him.
"As the PM said, Brussels is living in a parallel universe where unelected eurocrats get fatter as member states suffer the pain of austerity.
"Britain's relationship with Brussels is now at a tipping point. We've been ripped off long enough and we'll be fleeced no longer," the paper opined.
Talks on the EU's trillion euro budget ended in deadlock Friday when leaders of the 27-nation bloc failed to overcome seemingly irreconcilable differences on spending.
The Independent said everyone came back from Brussels a winner.
It said that by Cameron arriving early to meet EU president Herman Van Rompuy, avoiding "wholly negative rhetoric" and stressing that Britain was not alone, he showed he had learnt how to handle an EU summit without riling the others. "Clearly there has been a re-think. On a scale of good to appalling outcomes in Brussels, of which Britain has run the gamut over the years, this summit must rate not too bad, either for Europe or, unusually, for the UK," it said. ." — AFP

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