By Valerie Elliott


The privet hedge, a symbol of  suburban Britain found in millions of private gardens, could be a  secret killer of the nation's 80?million ash trees.

Other favourite garden plants – such as lilac trees and the flowering shrub forsythia – could also be harbouring the ash dieback disease, a Government scientific adviser warned last night.

Dr Steve Woodward, a forestry pathologist at Aberdeen University,  has helped draw up the emergency plan to tackle the deadly fungus, known as Chalara fraxinea.

Guilty: The privet hedge, a symbol of suburban Britain could be responsible for wiping out ash trees

Guilty: The privet hedge, a symbol of suburban Britain could be responsible for wiping out ash trees

He confirmed that the popular common garden species could be spreading fungal spores that are devastating ashes. Dr Woodward said: 'Ash is a member of the olive family of trees and we need to find out if other species in the family are susceptible to the disease.

'They may be carrying the fungus without being harmed, but when their leaves fall off they produce spores which could be affecting and spreading to ash trees.'

Other suspect species in the botanical family, known as Oleaceae, include Mediterranean olive trees – now a fashionable patio plant in the UK – wintersweet and jasmine.

'I raised the alarm but no one acted'

The nursery boss who raised the alarm about the disease after receiving contaminated trees from Holland, is furious it took nine months for the UK to ban imports.

Mike Easom, 34, the general manager at Buckingham Nurseries, said: 'I pleaded  with officials at the Food and Environment Research Agency on the phone to stop imports.

Mike Easom raised the alarm about the disease spreading

Furious: Trader Mike Easom

'Why, when the disease was found in February, was an immediate import ban not imposed? And why wasn't everyone in the trade alerted?'

Defra said: 'The ban was put in place before the planting season.'

Dr Woodward called for surveillance of the common garden plants and for laboratory tests to determine if they are transmitting ash dieback in the environment.

'I don't want people to fear that their garden plants are going to die but we must find out if these plants are harbouring the fungus,' he said.

'It may not cause disease in these plants, but they could be a vector for further infections in ash trees and help spread the disease. We need people to watch out for  the unusual.'

Michael Shaw, professor in plant ecology at Reading University, said: 'It would be sensible to have this surveillance  of other plants in the same family because we don't know the range  of plants that can host this fungus.'

The potential threat to ash trees from plants of the same family was raised in Whitehall last week and is to be discussed by the Government's Tree Health Taskforce, which is meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said there was 'no evidence that Chalara affected any other genus than ash trees'.

But Dr Woodward, a member of the taskforce, called for people  to look out for signs of disease in their gardens. 'It's too late for our native ash but we must see if we  can control disease in other species,' he said. Posters are to be put up in woodlands across the country showing the signs that people should look out for on ash trees.

Sir Richard Storey, who owns the Settrington estate with 400 acres of ash trees near Malton, North Yorkshire, said: 'This is going to be a catastrophe. It really is unbelievable that this has happened.

'What next? The oak, the beech, our lime trees?

'This ash disease was recognised 20 years ago in Poland. The EU has done nothing and until recently we did nothing to stop it coming in.

'It is clear the whole plant health system is derelict.'

Threats: The ash tree killer fungus is also believed to be harbouring in favourite garden plants such as forsythia, left, and lilac

The comments below have not been moderated.

So the humble privet hedge of suburbia that has been around for decades isnow going to take the rap, not the more exotic plants that the well of have only recently begun to adorn their patios and properties with? Yet more Togetherness, huh?

I am in France. My Forsythia suddenly died, last year. It was really big, so sad. Next to it is a flowering cherry, that too has lots of dead branches.

The many home gardeners, and the many Nursery retail outlets could help by treating their secateurs when they cut something sus! That way the problem will start to go away, they also need to burn the offending off cuts asap.

So we pay 50 billion a year in green taxes and the incompetent fools cannot spend any of it wisely.

Some one set up a Hedge Fund....Doh!!

Think your find its ivy on that wall

That's not a photo of a Privet hedge! It's a Beech hedge.

There are enough twits in the government without an advisor giving a worrying message, but just think, if there are plants immune to the disease then there must be a cure to be found.

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