jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

Do Who take this woman..? - The Sun

DOCTOR Who star Matt Smith has described his pairing with new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman as an "arranged marriage".

Speaking at the launch of the show's Christmas special, Matt said the chemistry between the two would grow as they got used to working with each other.

He said: "I liken it to an arranged marriage, not that I know what one of those is like. It is like, 'You are married, have chemistry'."

Jenna — who shares a snog with Matt in the episode, titled The Snowmen — said she thought their partnership was more like a "blind date".

She said: "It's like putting two people together. 'Oh I know someone you'll really get on with — now go on and save the world'."

The actress, who plays Clara in the festive special, made a surprise appearance in earlier episode Asylum Of The Daleks as a character called Oswin.

She reckons this episode is a "bit of a love story" with a "quite dark" edge. She added: "But I think there is definitely a romantic tone."

Matt said: "It can change every week, that's the beauty of it. One week it's a love story, one week it's an action adventure."

The BBC launched the special — which airs on BBC1 Christmas Day at 5.15pm — at London's Television Centre in front of an audience including The Hobbit director Peter Jackson, Culture Secretary Maria Miller and Lib Dem MP Charles Kennedy.

The festive episode, penned by head writer Steven Moffat, is set on Christmas Eve in 1892 and sees the Doctor fight an army of snowmen led by the villainous Doctor Simeon, played by Richard E Grant.

Steven said there was something inherently festive about the Time Lord.

He said: "Doctor Who is the story of an alien wizard who comes to help people in need, so you instinctively think he is best mates with Santa Claus."

But he stayed tight-lipped about plans for the 50th anniversary of the show next year, apart from promising it would be "immense."

He said: "I promise we're going to take over television. Trust me."

- FILMING of new panel show I Love My Country was halted when guest Tina Hobley ran off stage to THROW UP.

With the sick actress unable to continue, host Gabby Logan had to rope in her husband Kenny, who was waiting for her outside.

A BBC1 insider said: "Kenny was a good sport. He did great."

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