• Frustrated driver dumps car in the Nuneaton Asda's trolley bay
  • Pic of car and flabbergasted shoppers and staff becomes viral hit
  • One Twitter user said: 'The lengths we go 2 for a turkey'

By Sam Webb


It's a festive scenario familiar to many.

On Christmas Eve you drive to the supermarket for some last minute essentials, or to pick up a present for the one relative you forgot was coming on Christmas Day, only to discover there are no places.

But rather than drive around, gnawing the steering wheel in frustration like most of us would, one brass-necked shopper simply parked in an empty trolley bay at the Asda branch in the Warwickshire town of Nuneaton.

And it was later revealed that the owner of the car, named only as Jim, turned to the unusual space in his desperation to buy beer.

Amazing: This impatient driver was so desperate to get to the supermarket they parked in a trolley bay

Amazing: This impatient driver was so desperate to get to the supermarket they parked in a trolley bay

Jim parked his Peugeot 107 in the empty trolley bay at Asda when he found the rest of the car park full.

But he was shocked when he returned with his beer to find a crowd had gathered to marvel at his feat.

The car park, at Asda in Nuneaton, Warks., have even agreed to waive the 75 fine because staff found it so funny.

Jim said: 'There was just loads of traffic, I thought I would just park it in the bay as there were no trollies in it.

'It's only a small car so it fitted in fine.

'I have to admit it was a bit of a struggle to get out of the car.

'When I got back there was a huge crowd looking at my car, the manager of Asda was even there. They said there would normally be a 75 fine, but it was so funny they would let it go.

'She said they wanted to frame it in their office. I was only going there to buy some beer.'

Laughs: A selection of comments after the picture spread through Twitter

Laughs: A selection of comments after the picture spread through Twitter

Simon Freeman, 34, who was at the car park, said he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the car.
He said: 'It's amazing he even managed to get out of the car, I'm sure he must have had to climb out of the sunroof.

'It was pretty busy in there I must admit, but the rest of us just drove around waiting properly.

'There were certainly some annoyed people bringing their trolleys back but I think their anger faded after the looked at the achievement for a bit.'

An amazed passer-by snapped the unusually-parked black Peugeot and posted it to Twitter, where it quickly went viral.

Staff and other shoppers are seen staring in utter bafflement at the unusual sight.

Because of the tweet Asda became one of the top trending topics across the UK.

One tweet said: 'Apparently someone really wanted a space.'

Quips on Twitter included: 'Ha ha. They must be off their trolley', 'The best supermarket parking you will see today', 'No parking at Asda - no problem, just park in the trolley bay' and 'The lengths we go 2 for a turkey'.

'The lengths we go 2 for a Turkey!' One tweeters take on the unusual scene

'The lengths we go 2 for a Turkey!' One twitter user's take on the unusual scene

The comments below have not been moderated.

I live in Abu Dhabi but have just recently moved from the Marina in Dubai and we used to see cars parked in the trolley bay all the time in our local Waitrose! Admittedly they trolley bay was a bit bigger than the one in Asda, used to drive me mad as then trolleys were left all over the place, usually next to our parked car, so you had to then move the trolleys before you could get out of the parking bay!

Never a traffic warden when you need one....

Don't see a sign saying "Cars prohibited in trolley bay"

Obviously not a woman driver.

Ha ha this is brilliant! Legendary parking!!!

I'm sure Asda is smiling. You cannot buy this type of advertising for 75. As for the driver, nice parking skills but I would have liked to have seen him trying to get his shopping in the car.

I did that once when I had my old morris minor fitted in there easy ha ha

Hilarious... DM.

Damn..So that's why I couldn't find where to put my 1 coin. I thought it was the new covered trolley to keep your shopping dry.

Couldn't have been fined as there is no signs that parking there is illegal as it is private property, he could have easily appealed and won.

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