sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Kiwi mum vows to fight UK radiotherapy ruling - TVNZ

An Auckland-born mother in Britain, who was so desperate to stop her cancer-stricken son having to undergo conventional medical treatment that she went into hiding with him, is vowing to fight a court battle ordering her son to undergo radiation.

The case of Sally Roberts, 37, a Kiwi living in Brighton, southern England, and the plight of her seven-year-old son has made headlines in Britain.

Roberts wants to try alternative treatments first, including immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy for her son Neon. She has been told the boy needs treatment fast but fears the side-effects of conventional medicine.

Story continues below...

Doctors treating the boy had warned that without radiotherapy he could die within three months.

Judge David Bodey told the High Court in London the life-saving radiotherapy treatment could start against the mother's wishes, the Press Association reported.

"The mother has been through a terrible time. This sort of thing is every parent's nightmare," the judge said.

"But I am worried that her judgment has gone awry on the question of the seriousness of the threat which Neon faces."

Roberts promised the Court she would not try to apply for a passport for Neon or try to flee with him to New Zealand.

The story of the sick blue-eyed blonde boy came to public attention earlier this month when Roberts prompted a nationwide police hunt by going into hiding with Neon for four days to stop him from undergoing the treatment.

The mother's relentless battle in court also cast a light on the dilemmas parents can face when dealing with the illness of a loved one, considering the short-term and long-term risks of a treatment and handling conflicting medical information available at the click of a mouse.

Roberts said in court she had researched on the Internet her son's condition - a fast-growing, high-grade brain tumour called medulloblastoma - and sought advice from specialists around the world because she did not trust British experts.

She feared radiotherapy would stunt the boy's growth, reduce his IQ, damage his thyroid and potentially leave him infertile.

Earlier this week, a judge ruled that Neon could undergo emergency surgery to remove a tumour which had resisted an initial operation in October, despite opposition from his mother, who found he appeared to be recovering after what she said was a "heartbreaking" stay in hospital.

Neon will begin preparation for radiotherapy in London next week. He will live with his father through his eight weeks of treatment.

'Experimental and unproven'

Surgeons said Neon's operation on Wednesday had been successful but that radiotherapy was needed to ensure no residual tumour was left behind.

Neon's father Ben, who lives in London and is separated from Roberts, has sided with his son's doctors.

"Whilst he has always respected Neon's mother's views his own opinion following deep discussion with the medical team has always been that Neon should have the care that the medical team wanted," said Ben's lawyer Gwen Williams.

But his wife suggested exploring several alternative treatments, including immunotherapy, which mainly consists of stimulating the body's immune system to fight cancerous cells, and photodynamic therapy, which uses a photosensitizing agent and a source of light to kill malignant cells.

The hospital treating Neon slammed "experimental and unproven" methods which entered "uncharted territory". The hospital, which cannot be named, also questioned the credentials of some of the private specialists contacted by Roberts's team.

The court heard that at least one of these could not even correctly spell medulloblastoma.

Radiotherapy is used to prevent cancer from spreading or striking back after surgery but it can damage nerve tissue and healthy brain cells.

Long-term side effects tend to be more common in children, whose nervous systems are still developing.

Judge questions mother's motives

Roberts has remained tight-lipped to waiting media outside the High Court in London, fuelling speculation she has sold the exclusive rights to her story.

In court, the lawyer representing Neon's father questioned why she had given photos to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper - showing Neon and his twin sister - without the father's consent.

Sally Roberts told the court she had been under pressure by a man One News understands offered money for her story.

Judge David Bodey questioned Robert's motives for continuing with legal action.

He asked her whether she was involved in some sort of media tie-up and whether she was only in court because of the story.

Roberts said that was not the case and all that mattered was her son.

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