miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Man with unusual heart rhythm cured with 'shot of alcohol' - Indian Express

Doctors saved a man, who developed ventricular tachychardia, or an unusual heart rhythm, by giving a shot of neat alcohol, or pure ethanol.

According to BBC News, the alcohol shot was given to Ronald Aldom, 77, from Portishead in England, via a catheter through the blood vessel in the groin that connects to the heart, Fox News reported.

The ethanol triggered a controlled heart attack, and actually killed the part of Aldoms heart muscle that was problematic, as reported by BBC News.

Doctors decided to try this approach after several unsuccessful conventional treatments. Ethanol ablation as it is called, has only been done a handful of times in the United Kingdom.

The procedure saved Aldom''s life, making his heart beat regularly again.

Dr. Tom Johnson, a cardiologist at the Bristol Heart Institute, said Aldom is doing much better, and he''s out of the hospital

Tags: unusual heart rhythm, shot of alcohol, lifestyle and health news

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