martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

US Afghan commander link to Petraeus scandal? - CBS News

ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT The Pentagon source says the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigation.

A senior defense official, who discussed the matter only on condition of anonymity because it is under investigation, says the probe involved possibly "inappropriate communications," in the form of emails, with Jill Kelley.

Kelly is the woman said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom now-former CIA Director David Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the FBI referred a "matter" to the Pentagon on Sunday. Panetta says he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday.

Kelley has been described as an unpaid social liaison at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., which is headquarters to the U.S. Central Command.

Petraeus resigned as CIA director on Friday.

The Pentagon says Allen's nomination to be NATO's supreme allied commander has been put on hold due to the investigation.

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