Someone once said that a journalist's job offers a front-row seat at the peep show of life. True. And even more so for a crime reporter.
All human life is on my beat. It's a world of villains, heroes, heartache and triumph over adversity. And that's just the scene around my family breakfast table before I set off for work.
My job can be as dull as everyone else's, but not very often. Most of the time it's fascinating.
And I've often thought the most interesting stuff is what happens before, after and around the story that you see on the telly.
My Life of Crime diary, or blog as I'm learning to call it, aims to bring you all that. I will write it up as often as time permits.
And I'd like to hear your views. Again, I'll respond when I can.
Oh, and if you have any stories for me to report please email me or 'blog' them to me.... Preferably, stories in the Maldives.
The pavement outside Scotland Yard is often cold and wet. And that's in July.
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