lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Tom Watson attacks BBC's Nick Robinson over phone hacking -

Mr Coulson, a former News of the World editor, resigned as Prime Minister David Cameron's communications director earlier this year before he was arrested in connection with phone hacking and making corrupt payments to police officers.

Mr Watson, who accused News International chief James Murdoch of being a "mafia boss", claimed that he had been the target of covert surveillance by News Corp at least three times.

He has previously accused Mr Robinson of "missing the story of his life", claiming that BBC political journalists had not taken the phone hacking story seriously.

The latest allegation was made by Roy Greenslade, a media commentator, who said News of the World staff were scrambled to follow "every single member" of the committee investigating phone hacking in mid-2009.

The surveillance reportedly lasted between three and 10 days before it was abandoned when various News International staff voiced concerns about the resources it would involve.

Louise Mensch, a Tory MP and fellow committee member, said: "If it's true then it's very, very serious. Members will want to know if their families and children were under surveillance."

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