domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Bear attack wounded 'home soon' - BBC News

Arrangements are being made to bring home the four survivors of an Arctic polar bear attack in which a 17-year-old British boy died.

Medics said all four had head injuries, including two with severe injuries, but were ready to be transferred to UK hospitals when transport was available.

They are being treated at a hospital in Tromso, Norway, following Friday's attack on the island of Spitsbergen.

Eton pupil Horatio Chapple, from Bishopstone, Wiltshire, was killed.

The British ambassador to Norway, Jane Owen, visited the four survivors and said they were all coping well.

She said: "It's clearly a priority to get them home as soon as possible. They're receiving extremely good treatment here at the hospital in Tromso."

The ambassador said British officials were working with hospital authorities to establish when the right time would be to arrange for the survivors to be given a medical evacuation back to the UK "so that they can be with their families as they go through the recovery process".

"It's obviously still a very difficult time for the families and so we are here to try and help and our sympathies and feelings go out to everyone who's been involved with this awful tragedy," she said.

The family of Horatio Chapple paid tribute to him in a statement, describing him as "strong, fearless and kind".

They said Mr Chapple had been "so excited about his plans to be a doctor" and praised his "amazing sense of humour and ability to laugh at himself".

'Shocking and horrific'

"He was on the cusp of adulthood and had a clear vision of where his life was going," they added.

Eton College, where Mr Chapple was a pupil, expressed its "deep sadness" and offered its condolences to his family and friends.

It said in a statement: "Horatio was a very well-liked member of the school and respected by masters and boys alike. His loss is devastating to those who knew him."

Doctors at University Hospital in Tromso said all four young men had undergone surgery under general anaesthetic into the early hours of Saturday morning.

There were 80 people on the expedition, which was organised by the British Schools Exploring Society, a youth development charity.

It announced on Saturday that it had decided to end the trip, which had been scheduled to run until 28 August, and make arrangements for the remaining members to be brought home.

BSES chairman Edward Watson said: "This tragic incident has affected everyone involved, and we believe ending the expedition is the most appropriate decision."

It named the injured campers as trip leaders Michael "Spike" Reid, 29, from Plymouth and Andrew Ruck, 27, who is from Brighton but lives in Edinburgh, and trip members Patrick Flinders, 17, from Jersey, and Scott Bennell-Smith, 16.

Mr Reid and Mr Ruck sustained severe injuries, and were in a stable condition after surgery.

The two teenagers, who sustained moderate injuries, are also stable in hospital.

The attack on the campsite near the Von Post glacier about 25 miles (40km) from Longyearbyen, took place early on Friday. Eight other campers were uninjured.

The bear was shot dead by Mr Reid, and the group airlifted to hospital in Longyearbyen and then on to Tromso, having contacted the authorities using a satellite phone.

'Unlikely event'

Peter Reid, Michael's father, said his son had emailed them to describe how he was attacked when he went to assist.

"He told us the bear attacked the tent with three people in it, and he and another leader went to help and were viciously attacked by the bear.

"He managed to get away, ran to get a gun and shot the bear."

Mr Reid, who said his son suffered head and neck injuries, added: "We were shaken by the news, but we have a son alive and under very good medical care in Norway. There's a family in Wiltshire who have lost their son. For us, their grief must be unimaginable."

"This was such a rare and unlikely event, it was inconceivable."

Campers in the area normally place trip wires around tents when they go to sleep, which set off emergency rockets or flares if crossed by an animal.

Lars Erik Alfheim, vice-governor of Svalbard, said polar bears were common in the area, adding that they are "extremely dangerous" and can "attack without any notice".

The BSES, based in Kensington, west London, organises scientific expeditions to remote areas to develop teamwork and a spirit of adventure.

Polar bears are one of the largest land carnivores, reaching up to 8ft (2.5m) and weighing 800kg (125st).

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