jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Reid: Chantelle mended my heart - Belfast Telegraph

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Alex Reid has claimed Chantelle Houghton mended his broken heart after his split from Katie Price.

The two Big Brother winners have been dating for a couple of months and held hands tightly on This Morning as they declared their love for each other on live television and insisted they were not in a 'showmance'.

Alex said: "I know what the real thing is. I was very nervous when I first met Chantelle not to go straight in because my heart was still a bit broken back then, but she's mended it."

He added: "It feels like there's no pressure - at first I was a bit stand-offish and I was like 'hold on' - I was scared of love after for better for worse."

Earlier Alex was asked by Lorraine presenter Kate Garraway about his relationship with Katie Price. The couple split in January and she filed for divorce in March.

He said: "Listen, I had a wonderful life before Miss Price and I've got a fantastic life now... I didn't know quite what I was expecting when I got into that, but hey, it brought lovely gifts."

When he and Chantelle were asked about marriage he said: "Of course. We've talked about this - not getting married - but we've talked about the shared experiences - Big Brother and marriage to famous people and breaking up - and we're both sad because it was something that was so special.

"For me [pointing to his wedding finger] that was for better, for worse. But you've gotta move on."

Chantelle gushed about Alex: "We've literally had the same sort of experience and been through the same sort of things.

"He just makes me feel so secure and happy and just made me feel complete really."

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