(Left) Coleen Nolan (Right) Clare Tyler (Pic:Nicholas Bowman) (Left) Coleen Nolan (Right) Clare Tyler (Pic:Nicholas Bowman)

FEW celebrities have been so frank about their sex life as Shane Richie.

From affairs to group sex and even a brief spell as a teenage gigolo in his Pontins Bluecoat days, Shane has done it all - and described it in excruciating detail.

He revealed all about his extraordinary love life after doing a deal to publish his autobiography Rags to Richie.

The noholds-barred account of his lying, cheating and bedroom antics made the book an instant bestseller - and made Shane, 47, a small fortune.

In the book he boasted of sleeping with hundreds of women in four seasons working as a Bluecoat and admitted taking cash for sex from bored housewives -at the age of 16.

He also cheated on future wife Coleen Nolan with dancer Dawn Rodgers, who later killed herself.

Shane and Coleen married in 1990, but Shane admitted cheating on her with a handful of women including Claire Tyler.

He juggled relationships with Coleen and dancer Claire for three years, but admitted to one-night stands behind both their backs - including a threesome with two backpackers.

He said: "I was lying so much that I couldn't remember which story I'd told to each of them. And I'd lie to cover up the lies."

But in the 2003 book Shane also tried to draw a line under his philandering past, vowing that he was a changed man after finding love with Christie Goddard.

Calling her his "rock", he gushed: "For the first time since Coleen I'd found a relationship that was based on honesty. It was pure. There were no secrets or lies."

In 2003 he also said: "These days I'm home from work early, drink little and in bed by 10.30pm with my girlfriend Christie."

Ahead of his wedding in July 2007 - while secretly carrying on his affair with Alison Hall all the while - he told a newspaper: "Hopefully I'll make a better job of it this time."

He cashed in on his wedding, selling snaps to a glossy mag knowing that the image of a faithful husband was a lie. His persona has helped him land lucrative jobs such as a presenting gig on Sky1 game show Don't Forget The Lyrics and Scrooge: The Musical.

But EastEnders fans will be shocked to learn his carefully crafted image as a devoted husband is a sham.