By Jenny Hope
Last updated at 9:45 AM on 26th July 2011
'Snake-oil salesman': Prince Charles
Prince Charles has been branded a 'snake-oil salesman' by Britain's first professor of complementary medicine for supporting 'dodgy' alternative therapies.
Professor Edzard Ernst claimed yesterday that the prince's backing for 'unproven and disproven' remedies was an attempt to smuggle them into the NHS despite scientific evidence showing they could be dangerous.
Prof Ernst, who set up Exeter University's Centre for Complementary Medicine in 1993, left his post last month after claiming that a row with a senior aide to the prince had led to the withdrawal of support from university managers and the drying up of research funds.
He has carried out a series of scientific investigations into complementary medicine such as homeopathy and herbal remedies over the past decade.
Yesterday Prof Ernst told a conference in London that he found evidence that around 20 therapies were useful for various conditions, ranging from Co-enzyme Q10 supplements for high blood pressure to St John's wort herbal pills for depression.
But the evidence was lacking for alternative therapies such as chiropractic, detox, herbal slimming aids, cancer cures, and homeopathy which has long been championed by the prince and other members of the Royal Family.
He said such remedies were being peddled by 'snake-oil salesmen and pseudo science' and were dangerous to the public, who might be put directly at risk or as a result of rejecting conventional medicine in favour of 'dodgy' remedies.
Asked whether he classified the prince as a snake-oil salesman, Prof Ernst replied: 'Yes.'
Comments: Professor Edzard Ernst
In a comment for the Journal of Internal Medicine, the professor, who has been nicknamed the Quackbuster for his efforts to root out alternative remedies for which he can find no evidence, criticised the concept of integrated, or integrative, medicine.
This advocates treating the patient with conventional and complementary approaches and is backed by the prince.
Prof Ernst said it covered a 'wide range of unproven and disproven' therapies, and was 'nothing other than a cloak of respectability disguising alternative medicine'.
He wrote: 'At best, integrative medicine is well meaning but naive, at worst it represents muddled or even fraudulent concepts with little potential to serve the needs of patients.'
He said he suspected that Prince Charles wanted to get the NHS to supply more alternative therapies despite the lack of scientific evidence for many of them. The prince's complementary health charity, the Foundation for Integrated Health, closed last year amid a criminal investigation into fraud and money-laundering.
Prof Ernst has clashed with the prince before. He accused him of 'exploiting a gullible public' by putting his name to a detox treatment in his Duchy Originals brand.
The 10 Duchy Herbals Detox Tincture relied on 'superstition and quackery' rather than science and the range should be re-named 'Dodgy Originals', he said.
Prof Ernst, 63, has also blamed a row with the prince's office five years ago for forcing his early retirement from Exeter's complementary medicines unit in June two years early.
He attacked a report advocating complementary medicine, commissioned by the prince, as 'outrageous and deeply flawed'.
This prompted a formal complaint from Sir Michael Peat, the prince's private secretary. Prof Ernst said he had been cleared after a long investigation but blamed lack of support from the university coupled with lack of research funding for a closure threat to the unit.
He claimed he had offered to go if it would save the unit, and his offer was accepted by Professor Steve Thornton, the new dean of the university's Peninsula Medical School, who agreed to fund the appointment of a successor.
A university spokesman said: 'We are looking to replace Professor Ernst on his retirement with another specialist in complementary medicine.
'We will support that person to raise funds to enable research to continue, but have earmarked 234,000 to support the centre over the next 12 months.'
Last night Clarence House declined to comment.
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