By Simon Walters

Last updated at 3:39 AM on 4th March 2012

David Cameron's outgoing advisor Steve Hilton

David Cameron's outgoing advisor Steve Hilton

David Cameron's outgoing strategy guru had a stand-up row with the Prime Minister and his top civil servant over the Coalition's 'lack of direction,' it was revealed last night.

The men clashed at Chequers when Steve Hilton demanded more power over policies at No 10.

Mr Cameron blocked the bid after Britain's top mandarin, Jeremy Heywood – who was appointed Cabinet Secretary in January – threatened to resign in protest.

The Prime Minister told a bruised Mr Hilton to 'calm down' and agreed to Mr Heywood's demand to give control of No 10's policy unit to another Whitehall official.

The decision enraged Mr Hilton's wife Rachel Whetstone, herself a former No 10 aide and now a senior executive at Google's HQ in Palo Alto, California. She told a friend: 'Everyone has ganged up on Steve. I want him here with me.'

Last week it was announced that Mr Hilton was to take up an academic post at Stanford University in California.

Downing Street insists the decision was made for family reasons and Mr Hilton says he plans to return to Britain – and  No 10 – next year when his eldest son starts school.

However, the move follows persistent reports that he was on the brink of quitting after complaining that his radical initiatives were being strangled by officials, Lib Dems and Tory enemies.

He fell out with Mr Heywood after calling for Britain to ignore EU work regulations to boost the economy. In a No 10 showdown, Mr Heywood sided with officials from Vince Cable's Business Department who were opposed to the idea.

According to witnesses, Mr Hilton said: 'We should ignore EU rules.' Mr Heywood replied: 'We can't because it is EU law.'

Hilton: 'I don't buy that. Others ignore EU laws all the time and nothing happens.' Heywood: 'The PM could go to jail.' Hilton: 'Rubbish. You're being ridiculous.'

'We should ignore EU rules' - Steve Hilton

'We can't. It's EU law. The PM could go to jail' - Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet Secretary

'Rubbish. You're being ridiculous.' - Steve Hilton

Mr Hilton had similar clashes with Mr Cameron's chief of staff, former EU bureaucrat Edward Llewellyn, who disagreed with his insistence that Britain would be better off out of the EU.

Mr Hilton told friends: 'Norway, Brazil and Hong Kong aren't in the EU. They all have McDonald's and they're all doing well. So would we.'

Mr Hilton had also argued about strategy with Mr Cameron's former head of communications, Andy Coulson, before he quit in January 2011.

A Tory aide said: 'Andy's idea of strategy was tomorrow's headline in The Sun. Steve said next year's headlines were more important.'  Mr Hilton's influence as Mr Cameron's senior adviser suffered a further setback last year when pollster Andrew Cooper was recruited to  No 10.

Mr Hilton urged Mr Cameron not to give in to Lib Dem demands to water down the NHS reforms. But Mr Cameron sided with Mr Cooper who told him they were a disaster with voters.

Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood

Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood

Shaven-headed Mr Hilton, who would pad around No?10 shoeless and wearing a T-shirt, never shirked controversy. When Lib Dem Energy Secretary Chris Huhne resigned after being accused of getting his ex-wife to take his speeding points, Mr Hilton bowled up to Mr Cameron and the two men did a 'high fives' salute in Downing St.

He once persuaded Mr Cameron to go to the Arctic with a pack of huskies to prove his green credentials.

But despite his hippy-like style, which led one Barack Obama aide to call him a 'beach bum,' Mr Hilton is no Left-winger. The son of Hungarian immigrants, he is an unashamed fan of Margaret Thatcher. His proposals included firing two out of three civil servants, suspending maternity and consumer rights to beat the recession, and urging Ministers to boycott 'fat cat' British Airways and fly with 'upstart' Virgin.

A senior Tory said: 'The writing was on the wall for Steve after Nick Clegg lost the referendum on electoral reform and was humiliated over his tuition fees U-turn.

'Until then Steve believed the Coalition were fighting alongside each other. But from that moment they were fighting each other. Steve could not run political strategy, Tory or otherwise – because there isn't one.'


By James Forsyth

The man who made David Cameron a different kind of Tory is leaving Downing Street. It is hard to overstate the importance of Steve Hilton to the Cameron project. He was the grit in the oyster, the one who could make Cameron bolder and more radical than he otherwise would be.

In this monochrome political age, Hilton is a technicolour character. His background, as the son of Hungarian immigrants, his dress sense and his intense enthusiasms make him stand out. It sums him up that on Friday he was pushing, at a No?10 meeting, to slash red tape: good Tory fare. But he was decked out in a polo shirt, jeans and socks with no shoes.

Hilton, even his Tory critics concede, played a crucial role in establishing Cameron as a potential Prime Minister in the public's mind. In those first few months of Cameron's leadership, the two had long, one-on-one, weekly conversations that would set the agenda. 

There are now more voices in the Prime Minister's ear. But Hilton and Cameron still try to talk deux most Sundays. He is always pushing for the Government to go further, faster. For this reason, many fear his departure is a sign that Downing Street is resigned to years of Coalition compromise.

But those closest to him stress that, this time, the cliche about a politician wanting to spend more time with his family is true. Hilton's work on family policy has convinced him that the early years are the key bonding time for a parent and child. Friends point out that his second child is at this vital age, as his elder son was when Hilton took his first leave of absence.

There have been rows over the Coalitions lack of direction

There have been rows over the Coalitions lack of direction

This year is also the last chance he has to live in California, where his wife Rachel Whetstone is a senior Google executive, before their eldest starts school. They want to educate him in England, which will require them to move back to London before September 2013.

His commitment to return to No?10 does seem to be genuine. But even in California, Hilton will not be absent. His influence on the Prime Minister is the product of a friendship that dates back to the late Eighties when they were young researchers at Conservative Central Office.

Hilton was godfather to Cameron's late son Ivan, and Cameron is godfather to Hilton's second child. As one source puts it, 'He'll still be on the phone.'

In Downing Street, Hilton carved out a unique role so he could intervene where and when he wanted. He is a tough task-master. One Minister says, 'He beats departments harder and harder to try to get the perfect policy'. But without this approach, little would change.

Hilton is the most iconoclastic thinker in No?10. He has kept, in the words of one colleague, 'the insurgent mindset'. In the past few weeks, he has been pushing a simple approach to excess regulation: stop funding the regulators.

He has an intriguing set of  alliances. Any reforming Minister knows Hilton is the man who can plead their case with the PM. He's also close to the big beasts of the Thatcher Cabinet. He spends more time with Lords Lawson, Young, Baker and Heseltine than he does with Cabinet Ministers.

His interest in these veterans has increased as his keenness for the Lib Dems has fallen away. Back in May 2010, he believed the Coalition could be more radical than a single-party Government. But the Liberal Democrats have become an obstacle to his agenda. At the end of a Clegg presentation last week, Hilton was heard to mutter, 'That's a load of bollocks'.

His departure will require others to fill some of the gaps. At Cabinet last week, the Prime Minister and Chancellor were, in the words of one present, 'spikier than usual' as they held Ministers' feet to the fire over the growth review. Cameron's press secretary Gabby Bertin will become even more central. On the policy side, the work of Paul Kirby on public service reform and Rohan Silva on growth will be crucial to maintaining momentum.

Hilton has one last project before he heads off in May: civil service reform. He argues there is no point giving power away but keeping the permanent bureaucracy in place. He's unlikely to get the 80 per cent cut that he wants. But we will see a smaller bureaucracy at the centre, which should mean the next Steve Hilton will have an easier time getting reform past Sir Humphrey.

But the big question is, will he be back? One long-standing colleague has no doubt: 'The idea he's not going to be around for Dave's re-election bid is absurd.'

But don't be surprised if one day we see Hilton himself running for one of the new mayoralties that he has helped create. After 22 months in Government, he knows that if you really want to change things, you've got to do it yourself.


Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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So let the obnoxious dude go to jail

juharrogate says out of EU this years but first we have to have our referendum and then agreed by both Houses of Parliament The problem is many of our politicians receive EU Pensions and if they vote against the EU they will lose ther pension or be sactioned so there is a conflict of interest Why not sign the e-petition on line EU Pensions it is easy to do and it will make our politicians declare their EU Pensions and other payments made to them from EU before voting on EU issues Please do it today and start changes at the top so we are not denied what we want

- IT'S TIME THE TORY PARTY WOKE UP & DUMPED DO'PEY DAVE,.. He IS NOT The Euro' Sceptic he Pretends to be,. He's Wasting -Billions that could be Used to Reduce Taxation, & Promote Growth, & REFUSES to Give the People a Referendum, he's a Tr@it@r Pure & Simple........!

Mr Hilton has been of enormous benefit to UK, fighting the dogmatism of bureaucracy, whether it emanates from the EU or the UK's disfunctional Civil Service. So it is a great disappointment to see him depart when his intellect will be most in demand, but I for one wish him every success in California and hope an early return to a role in the UK's government is on the cards.

I had a lot of time for Steve Hilton he was a far better man than Cameron, Clegg or Miliband will ever be Cameron must have known this but prefer's fools around him and we know why He is a big loss

Wish the PM had listened more to Steve Hilton and less to Nick Clegg.

>>> ..... Hilton seem to be the only person around Dave with common sense and with views that reflect those of the electorate. .....

Hang on a minute, who is this "Steve Hilton" did we elect him or what....? Beermatman


Cameron is allowing this country to be led by, and be dictated too, by civil servants, and Eurocrats. What we really need is a PM who will stand up firmly against both. If he does not change his ways, and quickly, he will be a one term PM!

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