viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Man who asked for grit bin told 'swap your BMW' - Bradford Telegraph and Argus

Broadacre Way, Baildon, resident David Robertshaw incensed at reply from Councillor John Cole

A Baildon man who asked his local councillor for a grit bin was told to consider switching car instead.

David Robertshaw, 63, has lived in Broadacre Way with his wife Jennifer for six years. The last two severe winters have seen the couple and their neighbours struggle to get to and from their homes when heavy snow has fallen.

Mr Robertshaw first took the step of contacting Baildon Liberal Democrat Councillor John Cole in February to ask whether it would be possible for a their road to have a grit bin.

After not hearing anything, Mr Robertshaw said he spotted Coun Cole in the street last month and stopped him to ask for an update.

In a letter Mr Robertshaw received this week, Coun Cole advised him that as his road was unadopted and therefore not Bradford Council's responsibility, a grit bin could not be provided. Added to this the Council also has a moratorium in place on new grit bins.

But Mr Robertshaw was angered by the remainder of the letter, which went on: "I would point out that coping with snowy roads is something which you possibly should have taken into consideration in selecting where you live. It is a case of caveat emptor. A final thought is that, if you anticipate further problems in snowy winters to come, you might consider changing the make of the car you drive. BMWs are notoriously poor in snow – unless you get the four-wheel drive version. A front-wheel drive car might help."

Mr Robertshaw told the Telegraph & Argus he felt the letter was unhelpful and rude.

"I was incensed," he said. "Over the last two winters when the snow was bad, my neighbours and I had great difficulty getting out of our road on to a road that had been gritted, so I approached Councillor Cole to see if there was a possibility that we could have a grit bin. A rude and very condescending letter was the outcome."

Coun Cole responded that Mr Robertshaw had approached him in a very discourteous manner. "If he had approached me courteously, he would have received a courteous reply," he said. "Perhaps Mr Robertshaw should reflect that he should treat people as he would wish to be treated."

"I have been elected as a representative of the people of Baildon and not Mr Robertshaw's office boy."


  • Read more on this story in today's Telegraph & Argus

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