domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

“You slept with someone else, you disgust me” - Gemma's not a fan of Arg right ... -

Oh, we might have known Mark would be involved! Arg went out with the handsome rotter on Friday night and is in a whole heap of trouble with Gemma because of it.

"@RealJamesArgent you slept with someone else last night you disgust me you cheat!!!!" she posted on Saturday evening before quickly removing the Tweet.

But she retweet messages of support from her fans and followers telling her she was too good for Arg and could do better.

Gemma's probably doing this right now


On read: "So @RealJamesArgent gets pictured leaving a club with two girls. @missgemcollins u can do better, ur gorgeous. #SomeMenAreArseholes."

And another: "TOWIE's 'Arg' tries to keep his head down as leaves a nightclub with two girls  @missgemcollins u can do so much better."

Although we thought they'd already given up on their bizarre relationship after seeing pictures of Gemma supposedly on a boozy break-up night out with the girls , perhaps they hadn't. Or they had and then got back together. Who knows, they were getting married last week.

James Argent
There's not even enough room for Mark to smile in his tiny sports car (he has got a lot of teeth to be fair)


Anyway, Arg hit the town with one of Essex's most notorious woman eaters (even though he proclaims to be misunderstood and a sensitive soul at heart. Not. Born. Yesterday) and seemed to taunt Gemma by posting a picture of the two in the smallest car we've ever seen with this message:

"@missgemcollins got nothing 2 worry about! Me n @MarkWright_ drunk n goin Faces, Wat could go wrong?"

Yeah, if that's not going to make a girl worry, we don't know what is. But feisty Gemma hit back with: "you know you ain't gonna get better then my candy !!! Xxx" and Arg seemed to agree: "Haha of course its the best out there! X."

But then he was pictured leaving Faces with two girls who got in his car and sped off into the night with him, which presumably sparked Gemma's outburst.

In Arg's defence, he reckons there was a totally innocent explanation: "Accusations because of a picture of my friend n his cousins, Not even a rumour or any truth at all. Call before u take 2 Twitter, So unfair!"

Gemma it seems has had enough of it all and Tweeted: "Taking a twitter break for a while guys due to personal upset will be back soon x."

We give her until tonight's episode. 






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