By Chris Tookey



Verdict: Exciting, innovative and funny

Rating: 4 Star Rating

The latest animated blockbuster from Disney looks as if it's come from Pixar. That is no accident, since it's executive-produced by John Lasseter, who brought us The Incredibles, Toy Story and plenty of other Pixar greats.

Wreck-It Ralph can rival those in terms of visuals, imagination and verve.

I liked it a lot, although many over 40 are going to find it noisy, garish and brash. There's also a sentimental streak which is very Disneyish but slows down the second half; the soppy stuff may ingratiate itself with a juvenile female audience, but will slow it down for boys from 5 to 65.

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Game on: Wreck-It Ralph - voiced by John C. Reilly - is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix, Jr. - voiced of Jack McBrayer

Game on: Wreck-It Ralph - voiced by John C. Reilly - is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix, Jr. - voiced of Jack McBrayer

One magic ingredient will endear it to anyone who feels affection for arcade games from the 1980s on. Unlike Super Mario Bros (1993) and the Resident Evil shoot-'em ups, Wreck-It Ralph is a clever pastiche of gameplay design — something that's never before been achieved quite so triumphantly on film. In terms of pop-culture awareness, this is the most exhilarating romp since Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.

If nothing in the last paragraph made any sense to you, please accept my apologies. Wreck-It Ralph is probably not for you.

Superbly voiced by John C. Reilly, Ralph is a huge-fisted 'bad-guy' from an ancient, 8-bit arcade game called Fix-It Felix Jr. Gaming fans will recognise that he's the human equivalent of the gorilla in Donkey Kong.

Ralph feels miffed that the other characters in his game don't appreciate his talent for destruction, and that only goody-goody Felix Jr. — who repairs the buildings that Ralph tears down — wins medals.

When the arcade closes for the night, Ralph goes to an Alcoholics Anonymous-type encounter group with other 'bad guy' arcade-game characters, and together they moan about feeling under-appreciated.

But Ralph decides to do something about it, and smuggles himself into a more technically advanced, shoot-'em-up game in which all-American heroes led by a superwoman officer (Jane Lynch from Glee) destroy giant Cy-bugs in a terrifying sci-fi world. 'When did video games get so violent and scary?' whimpers Ralph.

From there, Ralph escapes to Sugar Rush, a brightly-coloured race game where he meets an annoying little girl, Vanellope von Schweetz (marvellously voiced by Sarah Silverman). She's a glitch — a fault in the coding — who needs his help.

The screenplay by Phil Johnston and Jennifer Lee is inspired for the first 40 minutes, and it's this that gives the film the status of a minor classic; the second half, which has the free-wheeling loopiness of a road movie on acid, struggles to reach the level of Pixar's Cars. Another problem is that the script fails to think through the gaming aspects, and doesn't sufficiently integrate the human player.

For example, Felix Jr. seems to rebuild buildings on his own and always seems to triumph over Ralph. Where's the fun and game-play in that? But that reservation occurred to me only in retrospect.

Wreck-It Ralph is witty, ingenious and entertaining, a technical and creative breakthrough on a par with Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, 25 years ago. Some older viewers may find it frenzied, cluttered and obnoxious, and lament the way it degenerates, towards the end, into schmaltz and childishness.

But I loved the first half so much that I was prepared to tolerate the shortcomings of the second.

Now watch the trailer