By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:39 PM on 30th November 2010

A family have adopted a wild 'agoraphobic' hare who is too scared to join her friends outside and instead stays inside watching TV with them and sleeping in their beds.

John Naylor and wife Suzy found cute 'Frances' when she was abandoned by her mother and narrowly avoided being killed by a farmer's plough in a field.

The lovable creature, scarred by her ordeal, now joins the family watching TV sprawled on the sofa, is fed on puppy milk, uses a cat litter tray as a toilet and bounds upstairs to join the family in their beds.

Good hare day: Eve Naylor, 6, with Frances the agoraphobic hare at home in East Yorkshire. Frances was given to the family by a local farmer after she was nearly ploughed in a field

Good hare day: Eve Naylor, 6, with Frances the agoraphobic hare at home in East Yorkshire. Frances was given to the family by a local farmer after she was nearly ploughed in a field

The animal is best friends with the family's terrier, Mouse - but also has mischievous 'bad hare days' when she munches on carpets and cushions. She has even gnawed through several telephone wires, cutting the family off.

Wildlife artist Mr Naylor, 50, said: 'We got her when she was just a few days old so she became very tame very quickly. I have tried to get her to go into a run in the garden outside but she gets hugely spooked, so she sits inside with us, watching the television.

'We are keeping her in the house because she is agoraphobic. It wouldn't be fair if we put her outside, she doesn't like and wouldn't be able to cope with the outside world.'

Special treatment: Eve and her father John feed Frances with puppy milk. The hare was abandoned by her mother

Special treatment: Eve and her father John feed Frances with puppy milk. The hare was abandoned by her mother and now lives with the family

Mr Naylor - whose children Eve, six, and four-year-old George have fallen in love with the unlikely three-month-old pet - said Frances was only four inches long when she was rescued.

Now she loves them so much she simply refuses to leave the four walls of the family's cottage in the tiny village of Langtoft near Driffield, East Yorkshire.

Mr Naylor said: 'A farmer saw her in a field which was being ploughed. She had been abandoned.

'The farmer thought he might have clipped her with the plough and rang me straight away. We brought her home and started to feed her on puppy milk.

'Then we started hand-feeding her. She now weighs about three pounds and loves tucking in to a variety of treats, from rabbit food, carrots, parsley and celery to dandelion leaves.

"Maybe one day in the future she will get over her fear and go outside like a normal hare. She has the run of the house and is very intelligent. She's an inspirational, amazing creature.'

Mrs Naylor, a 33-year-old housewife, added: 'She absolutely loves to join us in bed and leaps on to either ours or the children's beds, then nuzzles into the duvet like a cat. In fact she is like a cat in many ways, it's amazing a wild animal can be like this.

'She can be naughty and she has chewed through so many telephone wires we have to constantly get spare ones in. But you can't get angry with her because she is so cute and is now a much-loved and very important member of the family.'

Mr Naylor has even made the creature the star of his latest annual exhibition of artwork in Driffield.

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Rabbits are amazing pets and easily trained to use litter boxes, I have 7 rescued rabbits and work with a rescue group to find homes for stray or abandoned rabbits. They are the most loving animals and get along with many other pets, which is saying something as they are prey animals. This family is doing all the right things and feeding her all the right foods and I commend them on that. as sweet as this story is I ask that before you adopt a rabbit please read up about them first as rabbit nutrition has changed a lot in the past decade and contrary to belief rabbits are not low maintenance pets and should not be left in hutches with medal wire floors outside. The way this family is taking care of this beautiful hare is how all buns should be taken care of. I wish them the best with their new fuzzy friend and am sure she will bring much joy to their family. Excellent story!

I've been "mom" to a number of bunnies, and they can make fabulous pets. Very easy to litter train, clean, personable. They get along great with other animals (I have 2 Std. Poodles, a cat and a cockatoo.) I wish I had video of the interaction between our bunny, Beau, and the cockatoo, Walter. They would have me in tears laughing at their antics! Just a suggestion if you want one for a pet--have it spayed or neutered. They are much nicer pets without all the bunny hormones raging.

What an amazing experience for the family and hare. The concept of "Dominion" in practice

Ahhh! I love bunnies too, they smell so nice.

... a friend once found, raised and house-trained a leveret ... for a couple of years the hare was doing real fine ... when it decided chewing the lampstand wire while the light was switched on ... a genuine case of hare today, gone tommorow ...

I have one of those children who can do anything with animals. 20 years ago, she amazed our friends by having her rabbits litter-trained and quite sociable with everyone in the house.

Rabbits do need to be supervised to prevent chewing on baseboards and wires, but they are lovely little pets. Many will delight in charging out from under the furniture, leaping up and swapping ends and getting more enthused if the humans shriek as if this scares them.

NOT all can be litter-trained (unless you're like my daughter and have a very deep connection with animals) but all have unique personalities. The little white dwarf bunnies we had were the most silly and outgoing, but all of them like a quiet TV evening, spent on the sofa, contentedly chewing on a snack.

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